Chapter 11

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I arrive at Alex's apartment first. Once we left the warehouse we decided to discuss at Alex's which was only a 10 minute drive away.

Because I have a key to his place I decide to already make my way up. I'm heading up stairs when I see someone at his door. It's a women, with black hair.

She hears my footsteps and quickly turns around. She turns about to say something but the words quickly die in her throat when she sees it's not who she was expecting.

I look over her again and realize it's Vera's friend from the race. Mia, Mya, Mila? Mila.

"Alex isn't here. He will be soon. Might I ask why you're standing at his door?" Her cheeks flush with color and she dips her head.

"It would be better if you could just open the door for me so I can leave before he gets here. I just left something." I raise my brow from her vague answer. I want to ask her when was she her to leave something but know she won't be straight forward.

I walk towards the door pushing in the key and opening the door. She smiles and nods at me a silent thank you. I wait outside for her to retrieve whatever she left. She soon comes out with a stethoscope.

"Uh, thank you. I really appreciate." I nod as she quickly goes down the stairs and disappears. I enter the apartment and about 5 minutes later Cameron and Alex come in.

"Damn, did you have to leave us in the dust?" Cam says coming to sit on the couch.

"Yes, I did." I quickly retort to Cam and turn my attention to Alex. "Alex, do you remember that girl we met at the street race?"

He narrows his eyes "Vera?" I shake my head. "The other girl her friend." I say watching for any hints of a possible lie.

"Mila? Yeah, I remember." Alex is phenomenal at reading people. Guessing what they'll do or say next, if they're lying or telling the truth. I'm not too bad myself so I can tell there's something more.

"Okay, I'm ready to go to bed so we're going to cover some things and speed this up." Cam interjects before I can ask why Mila was at his apartment. My best guess they're hooking up which is none of my business so I'll probably just leave it alone.

"Vera Romano, age 21, family Michael Romano-" Everything stops when I hear her last name, when I hear his name.

Michael Romano. The sickest bastard I've ever met and fuck have I met a lot.

"Callum Romano—" Cam's voice fades in then back out.

Callum Romano. My best friend. Not anymore he can't be he's dead now.

"Former mafia name: the Reapers—" I killed the Reapers. I dismantled their group.

He's back. He has to be back, but I killed him. Me. I shot him 3 times. I still hear them.

One, two, three.

I've counted them since I did it. He's dead. He is dead.

"Santiago!" Cameron is yelling. I look at him in a dazed state but still at him.

"What the hell man did you listen to anything I said?" Yes and no. Small parts the important, monumental, ginormous parts.

"Yeah." I say in the best tone I can muster it comes out rough, shaky, but not enough for Cam to notice.

My eyes dart to Alex he's looking at me too. I give the smallest shake of my head and look back at Cam.

"I knew Callum," My best friend, "not well but decently. This doesn't tell us anything." I knew what was happening and did nothing.

Cam squints at me till he shrugs his shoulders and yawns. "Whatever I'll dig more tomorrow I'm exhausted." He stands and starts to head for the door. I go to leave as well but Alex pins me with a gaze telling me to stay like I'm some damn dog.

"Bye guys, I'll let you know what I find tomorrow." We nod to him and look at each other in silence.

"What was that?" He shoots first.

"What?" I play dumb.

"You zoned out. You told him nothing, but I know it's not nothing." I clench my jaw, he notices it. "You froze on her last name, checked out when he said her father's name. Michael."


"A girl was at your door when I got here. She asked me to open your door so she could get something. She seemed antsy, nervous, shy. Can't quite remember her name. Mia, Mya, May? Oh no, it's Mila."

Although it's the smallest movement his body goes rigid. I hit a nerve, a soft spot, maybe they're more than a hook up.

"I'm trying to help you Santiago, so get defensive all you want but it's not going to do shit. I should kill you for using her like that, but I know there's something deeper so I won't, but do that ever again I will lose my empathy for you."

Alex stands and walks out of the front room into his and closes the door. It was wrong using her against him, but it was a reflex. Never again though because Alex is like my brother but he knows an infinite amount of ways to kill someone. I would rather not even knowing one.

I gather my things and head home. The drive home is a blur. I don't remember green or red lights. All I remember is the constant questions in my head.

Who is she? Is the gang name a coincidence? Why didn't you respond? How many times? Will they kill her? Was she there? What happened? Do I stay away? Why, why, why?

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