Chapter 27

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I get out the limo and run into the house. I'm so stupid. No one from that world is good.

I go into our room and claw at my dress. I can't breathe. Tears well in my eyes and it feels like I have a corset on. I can't reach my zipper. Santiago zipped it up.

My breathing becomes rapid. How did I not know? I should have known.

Far away I hear a loud bang which centers me, distracts me. Did he follow me? I can't right now. Please, not now.

"Check upstairs, don't shoot her. Boss wants her alive." The air in my lungs freeze. Boss wants her alive. Santiago wouldn't do this. Maybe follow me, but he wouldn't play some sick joke.

I turn off the lights and grab my phone that I tossed on the bed. I quietly but quickly open the nightstand drawer on Santiago's side and grab his gun. I hide deep in the closet and text Santi. I put my phone on silent in case he tries to call.

I never understood why people did that in movies. Someone texts you they're in danger and you decide to blow up their phone that probably isn't on silent because they're also stupid.

Vera what the hell are you doing? You might be killed in less than a minute. Let's try focusing on not dying.

Right. Sorry. I hear the bedroom door open and slow, quiet footsteps. I've never shot anyone. I learned how to use a gun when I started out on my own, but I've never really used one. I can't tell where they are anymore. The carpet padded their steps. All I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears.

My breathing stops when someone opens the door. I see them first. They can't see me, but I see their gun and syringe. Their eyes land on me, but I've already concluded that it's me or them. I lift the gun and fire, hoping it hits something that immobilizes him. The bullet pierces his chest and puts him flat on his back.

My ears a ringing from the gunshot. When I finally recovered, it was too late. The man that was downstairs is in the closet now, grabbing me with a grip sure to leave a mark. He drags me out of the room. I kick and scratch and shake, trying to free myself.

We're almost to the door when a shot rings out. The man drops to the ground and I look to see the shot came from the doorway. Santiago. His gun is aimed where the man once stood.

He stalks toward me about to put his hands on my face, but he hesitates. His hands go limp to his side as he just scans me with his eyes, not saying anything.

Just for right now. I need this right now. I grab his hand and place it on my face. His gaze softens, and he strokes my cheek. I don't know what to do, or think, or say. I've never felt at home with anyone since Callum died. I've felt family with Jas and Mila, but never truly safe once Callum died. But with Santiago, I feel safe and happy. This isn't me forgiving him. This is just me needing comfort. That's all.

Alex comes running into the house Cameron in tow. Santiago turns to see what's going on but I can already tell it's bad. I can visibly see it on Alex's features. Not necessarily panic but like a soldier has been drafted for a battle that is happening right now.

"5 cars of men strapped with artillery. Less than a minute away, go through the back, now." He says barely stopping his stride. Santiago grabs my hand and pulls me along and makes sure I'm behind him.

"Do you know who it is? Did you ever figure out the leader of the group?" Santiago asks continuing to move through the house.

"It's the Reapers and yeah I found out the leader." Cam doesn't answer farther than that which everyone is confused by.

"Are you going to tell us?" Santi asks once we finally make it to the back of the house. We go down an alley where I can see a car in the distance.

"If I do you can't let it effect either of you because we don't have the time for a a mental breakdown or how's and why's." I look back at Cam waiting for the answer. "Michael Romano is the leader. And the only how I can answer is you didn't aim for the head."

Santiago's steps falter but he regains his stride quickly. When we're about 15 feet away from the car it bursts into flames and pieces of flying metal. Santi quickly turns and shields me with his body and I hear him curse and stiffen over me.

5 men come from both sides of the alley and open fire. Santi and Alex shove me and Cam behind a dumpster and start shooting back.

"Alex take her and Cam and get out. I'll meet you at the house." Alex darts his eye over at Santi and shakes his head. "¡Maldita sea, Alex, vete!" Alex clenches his jaw and goes to grab me. I slap him, but it doesn't faze him. (Damn it, Alex, go!)

"No Santi, please. Don't make me leave. Not right now. Get off me!" I thrash and scratch at Alex's eyes, but he just straps my wrists together in his hand. Santi stops shooting to turn towards me. He grabs my jaw and makes me lock eyes with him.

"Vera, listen. I cannot guarantee your safety here, so Alex is going to take you to a safe house. Do what he says." Tears stream down my eyes and I shake my head repeatedly. Santi's eyes soften and his voice quiets. "Mi luz, No puedo dejar que te lastimes. No podría vivir conmigo mismo. Ve con Álex." My eyes go back and forth between his. (I can't let you get hurt. I couldn't live with myself. Go with Alex.)

"Te amo, mi luz. Eres mi todo." My lips part in shock. Before I can respond, Alex has pulled me away to a different car that just pulled up. He puts me in the car and him and Cam run back to Santi. (I love you, my light. You are my Everything.)

He loves me? He loves me. Santiago loves me, but I didn't get to say it. I didn't get to tell him I love him too. I love you, Santi. I love you too.


I turn my back on Vera to cover them so they can go. She heard what I said but didn't have time to say it back. At least I hope that's why she didn't. Another truck of 5 men pull up and start firing. I hit all of them but one who is able to shoot me twice in the chest.

The piercing pain radiates throughout my entire chest, but I push through until the last man is down. I slump my body weight against the dumpster and try to hold on. Alex and Cam won't be back for a minute. I can hold on for a minute.

Black spots start effecting my vision and it gets harder and harder to breathe. It's ok. I got Vera out. She's safe. It's ok if I'm not okay because she's okay. She's okay.

My eye lids get heavier as more and more blood flows from my chest. I try to fight the black spots, the pain, and how tired I am but it's no use. The last thought on my mind before my eyes close is that everything is okay because Vera is safe. And then my vision goes black.

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