A small robin feather

Start from the beginning

The dark alleyway was a comfort of normality as she sat down with a huff and scurried through her backpack. Aside from the documents, she had a couple of knives and a on the road med kit. She fished it out and put it on her lap to avoid infection from any rats or other critters who lived here. It was rarely used as Scarlet had learned to control her impulses and be smarter about the ways she worked. Thanks to Kali, her injuries were minimal enough she'd walk it off. She ripped up her jacket to reveal the dark, deep wounds. Blood oozed gently out of them and the pain was enough even she flinched as she tailored the bandages around her arms.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" She cursed gently under her breath. It was hell to tighten them enough she wouldn't bleed out, but after a couple of minutes of cursing, she was content with the mediocre attempts and packed up the med pack. Sighing out, she leaned back and breathed out. The sky was a nice blue, clear of any clouds as the technicians were kind enough to at least give them that. Sometimes, she missed the surface. How the sky actually looked. How the ocean smelled like salt and the grass tingled on her bare feet. She breathed out. The pain was numbing up, thank fuck, enough that she could stand if she was careful. She pushed herself up and holstered the backpack onto her back, shaking her head free of the pain and thoughts. All that was important right now was this document. This documents were invaluable and might find her a way to help Crowley. She just had get them to Kali. She'd know. She'd know what to do. Her head was a sprawling mess of thoughts. How hadn't she known? How had she been so blind? She felt sick to her stomach with guilt. A shadow by the entrance made her leap back into the alleyway. She fished out a mirror from the inside pocket of her jacket and tilted it towards the area. A figure slouched over by the entrance to the surface, eyes flickering from shadow to shadow. They wore a mask with long thin tubes that curved around their back and a familiar, dark jacket. Harvey..
She leapt out on the pavement and approached him, hastily.
"What the fuck are you doing back here?"
Harvey didn't look a day over 20 but he thought like a 12 year old at times. With ruffled hair that covered half of his face and a giant mask that'd let him breath. One of the strongest motherfuckers she knew.
"I didn't have a choice, scar... I didn't have a ch" He coughed into his arm and her eyes widened. Scarlet red and black liquid soaked the brown jacket arm. A jacket she'd given him when they met.
"So you came here? Knowing how dangerous it is?" She snapped.
"I didn't wanna die again.. not again.." He weakly croaked. This was a fucking mess, she thought and grabbed his hand, ignoring the pain in her arms.
"I'm mad at your dumb ass for doing this but Star Labs isn't close. We're not safe till we're in the caves" She explained softly. Harvey was a close friend. One of the few oddities who she connected with after loosing her ex. They passed the street into the alleys between the old street and Mimi's shop. The two were dealt similar cards. Born into death. Though, she suppose his scenario was less pleasant then a few beatings and a close death kiss. She was sometimes glad she didn't die back then.
"You still with Kali?" Harvey asked, heaving as he struggled to keep up, half a arm length's behind her. She halted and lifted her hand to show the ring.
"Married for 3 years upcoming."
Harvey smiled gently.
"I'm glad.. she seems nice.." His voice disappeared as he fell to his knees, only rescued by Scarlet's arms. She flinched as his body connected with her wounds and pushed through it to holster his arm over her shoulder, dragging his weight so he wouldn't.
"Don't talk, ok? We're half way there" She said softly. The pain was numb, but the sight of her friend in pain was a type of pain unlike anything else. A mixture of guilt and anger was boiling within her body. Whatever that entity was, she'd end his misery. She promised that. The alley was dark and weaves into another corner. Almost there.
"I'm just glad she ain't like your ex.." Harvey muttered hoarsely and chuckled, stumbling to keep up with her as they walked. "Remember when he broke your heart and we smoked on top of the church?"
Scarlet felt herself smile, spite the pain and the heavy feeling of wanting to just fall over and let sleep consume her. They'd broken in in the middle of the night cause Harvey wasn't letting her sleep alone. It was the only night she cried in front of someone else.
The alley opened up to the familiar old children shop.
"Alright we're almost there, hang in there ok?" She softly muttered and holstered his arm tighter over her shoulder. He looked paler then usual and had a sick tint of sweat on his forehead. This isn't good. Kali would know how to help. She took a deep inhale and pushed every sting of pain past her as she jolted across the street when suddenly, she stumbled onto the ground and yelped out in pain. The impact disorientated her and black spots covered her peripheral view, causing her panic as she rolled around, pulling out her knife. No one. Just the entry to the alleyway and the tall buildings towering over her. Harvey was gone.
There was silence, just the street and the cars honking in the distance. The sizzle from the street lamps illuminating the pavement.
"Fuck" She huffed out in defeat and threw the knife onto the ground next to her, heaving for air as she fought the pain. This isn't good. Harvey wasn't capable of defending himself. Hell, he insisted he didn't need training from her when she offered. She felt her mind slip and groaned, grabbing the only thing she knew would rescue her now. A old, untraceable machine, attached to the B team. It'd alert them of her location and dispatch the team to cover her. The injuries were heavy enough she wasn't capable of doing it, as much as she fucking hated to admit it. She chuckled, staring up at the sky. The old scarlet would've dragged her sorry ass to the office. But, Kali would revive her and kill her herself if she pulled off anything like that again. 

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