A small robin feather

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Her eyes felt watery as her gaze was locked on the old, black and white photo. Crowley. He trailed Lucifer, even back then. The photo made her sick to her stomach. He was alive in 1989 and who knows how long before? His behavior begun to make sense. It was a addiction, a dependency similar to her old drug abuse. For whatever reason, Crowley needed Lucifer. She shuffled through more damp documents. Most were smudgy and reported other phenomena. Non of her interest. With every page flip, every document thrown aside, she grew inpatient. There has to be more. There has to be- a slight noise caught her ear and she leapt behind one of the bookshelves. In the floor, a shadow appeared. Then another. The second one was larger, a shape of a wolf with large, sharp paws.
Scarlet felt her body turn cold as the sickeningly sweet voice spoke softly. She perked up on her toes to create less sound and shuffled to the next bookshelf slowly. Lucifer wasn't making noise. Nor was who she assumed was Crowley. But their shadows determined Lucifer by the door and Crowley in the middle of the room. She crouched down and shuffled to the edge of the book shelf.
"Anything?" Lucifer asked impatiently. Crowley huffed in response. His eyes were a dark tint of purple; his body arched over, with black dark fur; growling quietly as his eyes scour, in hunt for a small prey. She waited, feeling anxious and restless. That form scared her. The moment his eyes were on the far right, she quietly leapt behind the next case.
"I suppose the red head has been here already" Lucifer inquired with a chuckle making Scarlet freeze in place. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. It slipped her mind that the documents were scattered about. Footsteps echoed to the middle of the floor and she perked up, shifting herself to peak through the top of the stacked books. Lucifer grabbed Crowley's jaw and sneered.
"Why didn't you tell me about this, huh?" She sneered. It hurt to see him like this and it took so much power to restrain herself from grabbing her knife and stab Lucifer in the back. Bitch.
"Whatever.. she must've left after we arrived" Lucifer said in defeat and sighed.
"I'm not in the mood to pick up scraps like a rat" She grumbled and turned on her heel. Lazy bitch. "Fetch anything interesting and meet me upstairs"
As her footsteps became distance, Scarlet sighed in relief. It wasn't surprising that Lucifer would make her underlings do the dirty work. She can't imagine what else Crowley must've gone through. Yet, it bothered her. Why isn't he fighting back?
"What is it?" Lucifer half glanced back.
Their eyes locked and she felt herself hold her breath. It felt odd to be on the opposing end, pleading to another being for her life, spite how little she'd cared about that before. She had taken millions of lives herself. Why was she worthy to plead for hers? Yet for Crowley, she needed to do this. She felt her eyes tear up. Please don't tell her. Please. She wished she could say something, tell him to hold on. Tell him he was okay. But Lucifer would kill her and start a war against Star Labs, endangering their entire community because of her selfish intentions. She plead, quietly. Please, if there's anything left behind those eyes, please be quiet. Crow was quiet. Watching.
"Crowley" Lucifer snapped from the staircase and Crowley huffed in response and continued to sniff around. "Dumb dog"
Scarlet released her breath after what felt like minutes went by and blinked away the tears. Focus. You have to get these documents back to Kali.
"Hello there, little robin" Lucifer murmured into her ear and grabbed her by her jacket. Scarlet twirled around, lifting herself up to kick Lucifer in the face. The motion was enough to make Lucifer let her go and she lost the grip on her jacket, allowing her to roll back and grab her gun.
"Hi there, rat" She snapped, hunched over with the pistol aimed at Lucifer's head. As if it'd matter.
"That's cute" She chuckled, like what was in front of her was a mere piece of art drawn by a toddler. Not a gun.
"What? haven't seen a actual weapon in years, grandma?" Scarlet retorted. Think. If she's here, Crowley's in the middle of the room, leaving the door.. It was a sharp turn, as long as Lucifer didn't kill her, it was still possible to escape. Lucifer approached her, smirking.
"You think a meager toy could damage a god?" She asked, lifting her hands up in the air. Her eyes shone with confidence. The familiar cocky attitude gave her a sting of anxiety but she shook it off. If you loose grip of yourself, you'll die.
"Nah, but it'd make a good ball"
Scarlet threw the gun into her face, causing Lucifer to bounce back and leapt for the door. Pushing past the shelves as Lucifer yelled out for Crow. She reached the middle of the room when a huge weight crashed her into the floor, making her groan in pain. Fuck he's heavy, she thought to herself. She rolled around just in time as Crow lifted his paws and dug them into her arms. Every strike left scars on her arms, ripping into her clothes as she blocked him off looking for a opening. The pain was throbbing, but the adrenaline kept her focused as she grabbed his neck, lifting him up and kicked him off her.
"YOU USELESS DOG, GET HER" Lucifer yelled out as Scarlet leapt into the staircase. Every step was wielding every last spike of strength as she ascended to the top and glanced around. It was early in the morning, so the light was emitting through the doors. She turned on her heel and slammed her body into the door, closing it enough it'd take Lucifer a while to open before she leapt out onto the street. Grabbing her arms as she stumbled on.

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