A black crow cried

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A loud ring tone made Crowley jolt awake on the couch and fumble to the table to turn it off; falling into the table instead and yelp out as he rolled onto the carpeted floor. That woke him up, he thought and groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Mornin Sunshine"
Crowley's eyes widened in surprise and he glances over at the kitchen, where Lee stood, leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee in her hands, suited with a concerned half smile.
"Fuck you doin?" Crowley muttered half awake. Lee breathed out in relief and presented the coffee cup to Crow, who nods and downs it.
"What.. what is going on?" Evie muttered, rubbing his eyes as he pushes himself up. He must've fallen over when Crow was reaching for his phone. Lee gave Crow that knowing smile and walked off to the kitchen.
"Nothing.." Crowley waved it off and stumbled into his bedroom to change. Closing the door, he sighs defeated. He didn't plan for Evie to stay the night. Or even stay at all. He fished through his stack of clothes and chose a striped, neck cuff shirt and lousy pants. Muffled voices spoke from the other side of the door, peaking his interest.
"I hope you're not interrogating him.." Crow muttered to himself. Lee was probably interrogating Evie for any evidence of fraud. He couldn't blame her. She was protective. He hovered over the knob.
"What do you work-" Lee's words were cut off, muffled through the wood. He leaned in.
"I'm a adult da-" He could barely deter his words. So, they were alike? in some sense. He wondered if Evie enjoyed his job. Or if it was for financal benefit. Or.. to survive. He unlocked the door and braced his persona.
"Stop interrogating him, Lee" He snapped. Lee glanced at him, in the middle of taking a sip of her coffee. She smiled softly.
"We're having small talk, Crow" She chuckled. Crow settled down on the couch, maintaining a awkward distance from Evie. She didn't seem to mind though. He just.. didn't know how to act after last night. Part of him wanted to embrace him, hold his hand, but another part begged for him to leave, to forget it all.
"So how did you two meet?" Evie asked, eyes flickering between the two. Lee sipped her coffee.
"Scarlet, that red head you met, she introduced us" Lee replied nonchalont. Evie nodded. He didn't seem to notice the lie.
"And Scarlets your... girlfriend?" Evie asked. Lee's cheeks flushed red and she fumbled her words, taken aback, as Crowley laughed out loud.
"Oh my god" Crowley leaned into the couch, laughing as a flustered Lee tried to muster any words of comprehension. Evie looked between the two, confused.
"I'm sorry.. - I uhm- I thought because they work- You-" Evie stuttered uncertain, though seemed half amused.
Crowley exhaled, wining down after the fit and chuckled.
"She used to have the biggest crush on her but they're not together. Scarlet's with another girl" He explained amused. Lee looked away, hiding the obvious blush.
"Oh.." Evie mused, understanding.
"Anyways" Lee blurted out. "We have to go, we're already late for work" She looked at Crowley with the expression of "work". Another client. Another fucking day being a killer. He smirked and stood up.
"Plenty more girls and guys to fuck" He muttered and held out his hand for Evie. He chuckled, taking it and leaned in for a kiss, when he hesitated. Hovering before Crow's face. Eyes searching for a answer. Crowley tilted his head and Evie kissed his forhead.
"Oh my god" Lee sqealed. Crowley groaned. "You two are so fricking cute!" She seemed a bit too happy about his love life. Crowley ignored her, staring her down with silent death threats before he led Evie to the door, amused by the comotion. Lee trailed behind the two and Crowley ignored her presence as he opened the door for Evie. Evie gave him a quiet, flirtious wink and left to the hallway, leaving Crowley flustered, wavering by the door; watching him leave, swaying from side to side, humming a unfamiliar tune as he turned the corner.
"You two are getting close.." Lee perked up behind him.
"Fuck off" Crowley muttered and shut the door close. Lee was perked up, swaying on her toes as she smiled goofily.
"You're a such a girl" He pointed out. Lee pouted.
"I think it's just sweet!" Lee retorted.
"Like titanic sweet?" He questioned as he shuffled to the table, to grab the cold coffee. Lee trailed behind.
"Just because it's my favourite movie, doesn't mean the romance is all I like about it!" She defended, though they both knew she didn't watch it like 50 times for the plot of the old ship. The romance between the protagonist and his lover was a story as old as time, and for her, some sort of comfort. She didn't date much. Hadn't, since they met. He put the cup in the sink, thoughtlessly.
"I'm happy for you though"
He froze. In the reflection of the cup, he saw her smile. Gentle and honest. He wanted to say yes, that he was happy too. But that thought, crawling in the depth's of his mind, it made him hesitate.
"So?" He turned around, patting his hands free of the water.
"Who wants me?" He asked. Lee quieted, staring off as she nibbled on her lip for a moment.
"Another client wants a interrogation set up downtown" She explained. He waited. There was always more. Lee's eyes shifted between his, waiting for a response. As the minutes passed, she sighed.
"They want you to carry it out and retrieve the victim" She muttered. A kidnapping mission. Simple. He sighs in relief and walks past her.
"As long as I don't have to kill anything" He replied calmly.

The night was young as a couple sat down on the couch. The man was clean cut, tall and suited in old clothes, like he'd just come home from work. The woman was in a tight dress, short and into her hips as she held her hand over her stomach. She was smiling. Gently.
"Oh give me one second I have a surprise for you!" The man exclaimed and stood up. The woman's eyes widened in surprise and she chuckled and closed her eyes, then the man walked out to the bedroom door. As he entered the room, a shadow grabbed his neck and pawed their claws around his mouth, muffling his scream till it stopped and the man's body felt limb. Crowley latched his arm around his chest and leapt out of the window, into the open air of the night; black feathered blades softly fanned the still air as he ascended above the houses. From down here, the buildings looked tiny, like little puzzle pieces. Dark brown puzzle pieces, with mechanical keys. As he flew over the subway by the old bar, he hesitated, for a second. The old bar was still alit, with the TV ledged off the side reprising the AD. He flinched, shakily, eyes filling for tears and he fled on.
"Just fly south to the old factory buildings. Lee will meet you there.." He muttered under his breath. The further he flew, the amount of houses decreased, replaced by older bigger buildings. Out here, most of the factories and old buildings were abounded for the surface. It was a common issue, had been since the early 203x. The window of the old factory buildings perked him up. It was a forgettable structure, with windows at the top floor, though he wasn't sure why. His blackened feathers curved into his body, like a arrow in the air, it shot through the open window into the unfurnished, empty floor. He rolled over and looked around. Shadows crawled at the corners of the large empty floor.
"Where-" He felt the air shift and leapt to the side, rolling over as he growled, angrily, watching a shadow in the distance approach. It would take seconds to make another decisions, a precious moment used for his advantage: his body decreased into a bundle of feathers, faster then light, as it speared into the target, pinning it down.
"Who are you?" He growled, his voice laced with anger, fueled with the animalistic instincts, begging him to dig his eagle claws into it's throat. The person looked familiar- He screamed out in pain as something hit his back; exploding at his skin and fell to the floor. The pain surged throughout his limbs, searing at every tip like pure fire as he felt his consciousness dissipate.
"F-F.. Fuck" He groaned in pain, shakily pushing himself up and leaping towards the window. Something wrapped itself around his body and he panicked, but it was too late, as his sight turned into a bunch of black spots before everything faded to black. Voices surrounded him, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. It hurt. So much.

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