Vol. 1 Chapter 4: The calm before the storm.

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Cid's POV:

I'm in a really bad mood right now.

It's been more than a week since Kushida asked me to help her befriend Horikita and there's been little to no progress in getting the two closer together.

It's like she has a sixth sense for when I will try to trap her in a situation where she has to meet Kushida.

I need to make some progress or it will look like I don't care about a personal request from the most popular girl in Class D (which is true, but will hurt my mob persona).

So, how should I approach this?




I guess I could just ask her why she dislikes Kushida, right? That would be a good start.

Cid: "Horikita."

Horikita:(Annoyed) "What is it this time, Cid?"

Cid: "Do you want to have lunch with me?"

Horikita:(Confused) "...Okay?"

Cid:(Smiling) "Good. Let's go!"

I grabbed her by the arm and brought her to the cafeteria.

She bought the Small Bento™ while I got the Free Vegetable Meal™ and we went to an empty table.

After we sat down, she asked me:

Horikita: "What did you want to talk about?"

Straight to the point, I see. I guess I'll answer it in kind.

Cid: "Since you were so straightforward, I'll answer it in kind. Why do you dislike Kushida?"

Horikita:(Suspicious) "What do you mean by that?"

Cid: "It's just a genuine question. She's always trying to be kind to everyone, including you, and you always reject her when she tries to befriend you. I would like to know if there was a reason for that or if it's just you being yourself."

Horikita glared at me for a few seconds, sighed and then said

Horikita: "I cannot answer that question."

Cid: "Why not?"

Horikita: "Because I don't have any evidence."

Horikita stood up after finishing her meal and continued speaking.

Horikita:(Serious) "Just a piece of advice: Kushida may not be as kind as you believe she is."

Horikita left after saying those ominous words without looking back. Damn, that was cool as hell, I gotta add that to my list.

But still, I guess I should at least try to follow that advice, seeing as I already know that Kushida has a hidden side. I guess I should try to find out what it truly is.

I stood up, left my tray on the counter, picked up my phone and dialled a number.

They didn't answer, so I left a voicemail.

Cid: "Hey. It's me. I need your help. Meet me in the warehouse next to the mall in 4 hours."

*Four hours later*

Narrator's POV:

Cid was in front of the warehouse preparing himself to meet his informant as a feeling of dread took over his body. He felt two conflicting instincts at the same time, one that told him to run and the other told him to enter as fast as possible.

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