Vol. 1 Prologue: Obligatory Monologue.

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Timeline: April 1st 2015.

Cid Kagenou's POV:

It's quite sudden, but have you ever wanted something so bad that you tried to discard everything else for it?

I feel that way. It is a disgusting experience. You might try to discard every belief that was taught to you before. Your morals, your relationships and everything that composes who you are. 

But it will never work. 

And how could it? To discard those thing would be like discarding your sense of self. You would need to have a severe case of amnesia to do that, and even then it wouldn't work completely.

What that means is that you need to think differently. If you can't discard those things, you have to try and mold them into another shape. If you can't discard your morals, then just push the line between what's moral and immoral further. If you can't discard relationships, then just make them superficial. 

It will be very difficult, but difficult doesn't mean impossible. Because I managed to do it.

I almost never empathize with someone else's feelings and I've never even tried to make a genuine connection with other people. I do not even bat an eye to things like assault and theft and I find the debate about the death penalty entirely pointless. 

But do keep in mind. There is one thing you should never forget. To repay actions done towards you. To help those who help you and punish those who harm you. It is the most basic aspect of life itself. To forget this would make you even worse than almost every living organism in the world.

After hearing all that, most people would be asking: Okay, but why are you telling us this?

To be honest, I don't know, I think that there is something about the bus that I'm currently in that compels me to do an internal monologue. Like the chubby boy with glasses staring at the air next to me. I'm sure that he's monologuing as well.

Another question that might pop up in your head is: Why are you monologuing using second person pronouns? 

The answer to that is: I also do not know, I just feel like there is someone to listen.

All that monologuing is making me tired, so I'll just take a nap until we get to the school.

A/N: The next chapter might take a bit longer since I'm doing the entirety of the first day in a single sitting.

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