Vol. 1 Chapter 3: Worst mob in the world.

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Timeline: April 15th, 2015.

Cid Kagenou's POV:

Two weeks have passed since our first day of school and I already feel really bored.

I know that things will start to get interesting next month, but I still needed something to keep me entertained until then. So I analysed the class through these two weeks and I can say that the most interesting thing here is Kushida's relationship with Horikita.

Speaking of which, she's coming here right now.

Kushida: "Hi, Horikita."

As always, Hoerikita didn't even look up from her book to speak to her classmate.

Kushida: "Do you want to get lunch with us?"

Hearing that, Whorikita immediately got up from her seat and...went to the bathroom. I probably shouldn't have expected anything less from her.

This type of thing has been happening for about a week now. Kushida will ask Horikita to go get lunch with her and her friends, or something along those lines, and Horikita will just reject her n the most humiliating ways possible.

Speaking of Kushida, I think she is trying to ask me to come outside with her.

I guess I should go, it wouldn't look good for my mob persona if I rejected the most popular girl in class.

i followed her out of the class until we reached an empty corridor. After that, she turned towards me and started speaking.

Kushida: "Thanks for coming here with me, Cid."

Cid: "No problem, but what exactly are we doing here?"

Kushida: "Well, I'd like to request your help with something."

Cid: "Anything for you m'la-I mean, sure, what do you need help with?"

Kushida: "I need you to help me make friends with Horikita."

That's impossible. I think she would rather kill herself than make an actual friend, but...

Cid: "Sure, what do I need to do?"

A mob would never reject the request of a cute girl.

***Two days later***

Narrator's POV:

Class time had just finished in ANHS and most students were leaving their classes. Horikita was one of them, but just as she was about to leave, her seatmate suddenly spoke to her.

Cid: "Hey, Horikita, do you have any plans for lunch?"

Now Horikita was presented with a choice, to say that she doesn't, and accompany Cid to have lunch with him or to lie and say that she does, and have to respond to a series of questions from Cid. And what she chose was...

*Insert generic drumroll sound here*

...To leave without saying anything.

Cid: "...Well, I tried."


Cid had been trying to befriend Horikita for a few days now, but none of his attempts had worked. Horikita was blocking each and every attempt that he made.

Well, to be honest, he wasn't really trying to befriend her, he was just putting on a show for Kushida. He didn't want her to think that he had given up.

As he was pondering on what to do next, he decided to go down to the vending machine next to the dorms to get some snacks.

When he finally got there, he saw Horikita through the corner of his eye waiting for someone.

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