Vol.0 Prologue: His dream.

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A/N: This story will not contain any characters from TEIS except Cid.

Minoru Kagenou's POV:

I don't remember when it started, but even before I formed my earliest memories(if what my parents told me is true) I've always wanted to be someone who controlled the world from the shadows, one of those characters that seem to appear out of nowhere to fight the bad guys for a greater cause, that have power far beyond anyone else in their universe except the protagonist and the main villain.

For most people, dreams like these fade with time, they go on to focus on more achievable dreams, like being a doctor, a cop or a lawyer, maybe even a scientist. My dream, on the other hand, never faded, it just became more complex as I understood what constitutes these types of characters. Being average at first glance but being very strong in secret, fighting for a greater cause, helping the main characters in their journey, etc.

So I practiced multiple martial arts, fought gangsters in the streets, tried to use every single thing I've found as a weapon, all to become the strongest, until I met with a crushing reality. I would never become an "eminence in shadow"(as i liked to call them).

No matter how much I trained, I could never survive against a group of armed people, and even if I survived, I still would be no match against a nuclear explosion. 

I had even dabbled in magic to try and find a way, but it still didn't work.

As I began to lose all hope, I felt like watching some anime to try one last time to find a way to survive against that weapon of mass destruction. So I tried finding an anime I hadn't watched, I stumbled upon one with a strange title.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

It got me interested, so I tried watching it. 

After a few episodes, I was completely enamored with it. It felt like I was a kid watching my favorite shows all over again. Lelouch vi Brittania was the perfect representation of everything I wanted to be and even more.

After I finished the anime, I noticed something I hadn't before in my quest to become the eminence in shadow. Strength, speed, durability. These aren't the things that matter for those characters. What matters the most is their intellect. Knowledge, strategic ability, acting skills, manipulation, these are their staples. Every single one of the plots revolving around them were dependant on those skills. It didn't matter whether or not they could survive a nuclear explosion because by the time the opponent thinks of using the nuke, it was already far too late.

So now, my objective is simple, to control the world not with my power, but with my intellect.

I will call this project "Plan B". I will consist in-



Narrator's POV:

And that was how our dear protagonist met his end, hit by a speeding truck.


Well, we all know where this is going so let's just skip to the start.

*9 months later*

Mr. Kagenou's POV:

I've been waiting for this day for 9 months since my wife got pregnant. I'm going to have a second child, I can't wait to have a son to play with me, since my wife always gets to play with my daughter. 

I'm waiting outside the room because I faint every time I see blood, but there is someone with me here as well. It's a man with quite a serious face, as if he's never laughed in his life.

I've got nothing better to do, so why not talk with him for a bit?

"H-Hello." I said while stuttering a bit.

"Are you speaking with me?" He asked.

"Yes, you and I probably have nothing better to do, so I figured some small talk wouldn't hurt." I responded.

"I guess so." The man acknowledged my statement.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously.

"Ayanokoji Atsuomi." He answered with a monotonous voice.

"I'm Kagenou Hageta. Are you waiting for someone?" I asked, trying to start some small talk.

"My son is being born today." He answered as if it was just a normal day.

"What a coincidence, my son is also being born today. What are you going to name him?" I asked, trying to start some small talk again.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Fuck, why doesn't he ask me anything?

"My son is going to be named Cid Kagenou." I said, waiting for him to continue our back and forth.

"I see..." He answered out of politeness.

"..." Goddamnit.

This has to be the most awkward conversation I've ever had. This guy can't use more than five words in an answer.

I guess it would be better to just shut up and wait.

Narrator's POV

Unbeknownst to the both of them, by sheer coincidence, the doctor suffered from a breakup with his girlfriend the day before over her infidelity, which resulted in him going to a bar, getting wasted and going back home to sleep at 4 AM, which meant he was suffering from a severe hangover and lack of sleep. And also by sheer coincidence, the hospital was severely understaffed, which forced the doctor to work on both pregnant women in quick succession and having to clean the babies afterwards, his hangover and lack of sleep making him forget which baby was which and accidentally exchange the babies, which would go unnoticed until a few weeks later, when a certain professor asked for an examination for his son's health before he sent him to the white room.

Professor Ayanokoji's POV

As I analysed over and over the results of the exam, it pointed towards one single conclusion.

The baby was not my son. And it wasn't my "wife"'s illegitimate son either.

The baby was exchanged for another.

It didn't matter, but I felt like I couldn't call him Kiyotaka anymore. 

As I thought about a new name to give him, I remembered the bald man I met in the hospital's waiting room.

I looked at my butler's eyes and said:

"Cid. His name is going to be Cid Kagenou. Now go tell the instructors to come and take him to the White Room."

As the butler left, I spoke to myself.

"I don't know who your parents are, but do amuse me, Cid, because the 4th generation will be the hardest of them all."

A/N: If there are any grammatical errors in the story please tell me. I would highly appreciate the advice. I will post the next chapter in a week at most.

Also, this fic will be heavily inspired by Lookism, which means some character backstories will change, fights will happen more frequently than in the original COTE, because of that, some characters will be much, much stronger than their original counterparts.

Plan B (A COTE x TEIS fic)Where stories live. Discover now