Episode 5: Haunted

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As the morning sunlight filtered into the Nightingale House, Sebastian stirred in his bed, his eyes fluttering open to find Vanessa lying beside him. Vanessa greeted him with a casual "morning," she greeted him casually, but Sebastian's response was tinged with a hint of irritation. "Please, not so close next time," he requested, his tone betraying a sense of unease.

Vanessa's playful demeanor persisted as she shrugged off his discomfort. "I'm just a bit bored, Seb. Since Julian's been adamant about the whole 'no human blood' thing, you seemed like the more adventurous option," she explained with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Sebastian's lips curled into a sly grin at her suggestion. "What do you say we go for a little hunt?" he proposed, the thrill of the hunt already coursing through his veins.

Their plans, however, were abruptly interrupted by Julian's stern presence in the doorway. His expression was firm and unwavering as he addressed them both. "You're not going anywhere," he declared firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument. "It's too risky, especially for Vanessa. She's still adjusting to her new state."

Sebastian sighed in frustration, exchanging an exasperated glance with his brother. "Always the voice of reason, Julian," he muttered under his breath, though there was a begrudging respect in his tone.

Ava knocked on the door of the Nightingale House, hoping to speak with Julian. To her surprise, she was met with Sebastian's smug grin as he opened the door. "Miss sunshine has arrived," he quipped, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Ava couldn't help but roll her eyes at his remark. "How can you be so arrogant and lousy at the same time?" she retorted, her frustration evident in her voice.

Sebastian chuckled, unfazed by her comment. "And how does that make you stupid to call a vampire arrogant and lousy?" he countered, his smirk widening.

Ava took a step closer, refusing to back down. "If you wanted me dead, you would've done it by now," she stated, her voice tinged with defiance.

Sebastian's smirk turned into a sly grin. "Not yet," he replied cryptically, before turning on his heel and leaving the house, leaving Ava to ponder his enigmatic words.

Ava entered the Nightingale House, her footsteps echoing softly in the dimly lit foyer. Julian's presence brought a sense of familiarity, but his troubled expression hinted at deeper concerns lurking beneath the surface.

"Is everything okay?" Ava's voice was gentle, filled with genuine concern as she approached him.

Julian met her gaze with a faint smile that failed to reach his eyes. "Yeah, just a lot going on," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken worries.

As Ava's gaze swept over the room, it landed on Vanessa, who lay on the couch looking pale and disoriented. The sight of her friend in such a state elicited a pang of concern in Ava's chest.

"What's she doing here?" Ava's tone was laced with worry as she turned back to Julian, seeking answers.

Julian's sigh was heavy with regret as he explained, "Sebastian turned her. She needs our help."

Ava approached Vanessa with a mix of concern and curiosity. "How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice soft and empathetic.

Vanessa's response was tinged with excitement. "Pretty cool," she replied, her eyes gleaming with newfound abilities.

Suddenly, Vanessa moved with astonishing speed, surprising Ava. "Did you see what I can do?" she exclaimed, a hint of exhilaration in her voice.

Julian stepped in, his expression serious yet composed. "Vanessa, please stay here for now," he said firmly, acknowledging the need for caution. Turning to Ava, he offered a reassuring smile and gently led her towards his room, signaling a desire for privacy and a chance to discuss matters away from the excitement in the living room.

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