I think I love him

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3rd person POV:

Lord Beckett and the Mercer are with The Governor, whose hands are in shackles. "There's something to knowing the exact shape of the world and one's place in it, don't you agree?" Lord Beckett asks the Governor. "I can assure you, these are unnecessary." Weatherby Swan comments nervously. "I had you brought here because I thought you'd be interested in the whereabouts of your daughters." Beckett ignores the comment. "You have news of them?" The Governor asks hopefully. "Most recently seen on the island of Tortuga, then left, in the company of a known pirate, Jack Sparrow. And other fugitives from justice." Mercer reports. "Justice, Hardly." Swan scoffs.

"Including the previous owner of this sword... I believe." Beckett gestures to the sword that once belonged to Commodore Norrington.
"Our ships are in pursuit. and justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass, and all manner of remorseless pieces of metal. I personally find it distasteful to even contemplate the horror facing all those on board."
"What do you want from me." Governor Swan asks.
"Your authority as governor, your influence in London, and your loyalty to the East India Trading Company." Beckett demands.
"To you, you mean?"
"Shall I remove these shackles?" Beckett asks.
Governor Swan holds out his hands. "Do what you can for my daughters."
Mercer steps forward to open the restraints and Beckett smirks. "So you see, Mercer, every man has a price he will willingly accept. Even for what he hopes never to sell."
Governor Swan look at his bruised wrists.

"On the topic of thing's you hold dear Governor Swan" Beckett says. "I will of course do all I can for your daughters, but Miss Katharine Swan in particular is know at this point for having a certain 'weakness' for Jack Sparrow."
Weatherby Swan looks at Beckett in horror, he doesn't like where this conversation is heading.
"I'm concerned my influence as simply a concerned party might not be enough to aid her... But perhaps if I could provide her a more formal and legal form of my
protection... There might be something more I could do." 


3rd person POV: 

Black Pearl

The crewmen are scrubbing the deck of the Black Pearl, including Norrington.
"Beckett" Gibbs exclaims.
"Yes, they're signed, Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company." Elizabeth shows where the letters are signed.

"Agh." Jack makes a noise and face of disgust.
"Will was working for Beckett, and never said a word." Gibbs points out.
"Agh." Jack repeats and rubs his arm where his pirate brand rests.
"Beckett wants the Compass. Only one reason for that." Gibbs glances at Jack.
"Of course. He wants the chest." Jack groans.
"Yes, he did say something about a chest." Elizabeth remembers. "Katharine! Will you quit playing with that bird and come tell me if I've forgotten anything!"
Katharine is on the quarterdeck with Mr.Cotton next to the helm visiting with his Macaw.
"If the company controls the chest, they control's the sea." Gibbs is saying.

"A truly discomforting notion." Jack agrees. "And bad. Bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails.

Brace the foreyard!" Gibbs yells.
"Might I inquire how as to how you two came by these?" Jack asks.
"Persuasion." Elizabeth replies.
"Decidedly not." Katharine replies with a smirk at her sister.
"Will strikes a deal for these and upholds it with honor. Yet you're the ones standing here with the prize. Full pardon, commission as a privateer on behalf of England and the East India Trading Company. As if I could be bought for such a low price." Jack tucks the Letters into his coat and begins to walk away.
Elizabeth angrily steps towards him but Katharine waves her off.
"Jack, the Letters, give them back." She tells him.
"No. Persuade me." He smirks charmingly at her

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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