Swords and Pirates

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3rd person

In the cave Jack is examining the piles of treasure while Will stands being guarded by a pirate as Barbossa watches. "I must admit Jack, I thought I had ye figured. But it turns out that you're a hard man to predict."
Jack, glances up at him "Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid."
Jack unsheathes a sword from the pirate next to him, pushes him into the water and throws the sword to Will. Jack pulls out his own sword and starts fighting with Barbossa as Will battles the other pirates who had stayed behind.
Jack is actually quite the swordsman and he and Barbossa are well matched. He manages to swing his sword and chop off the fancy feather on Barbossa's hat causing the evil pirate to growl. "You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."

Jack and Barbossa's fight leads them further back in to the cave and at one point Jack trips and falls. Barbossa flings down his own sword and holds his arms wide. "You can't beat me, Jack."
Jack stabs him in the stomach and Barbossa sighs and rolls his eyes. Then he pulls out the sword and impales Jack! Jack looks alarmed for a moment and then stumbles backwards into the moonlight. His frame turns skeletal and Barbossa realizes that Jack must have taken a medallion.
"That's interesting." Jack mutters looking at the sword sticking in his torso. He pulls out the medallion and rolls it across his fingers. "I couldn't resist, mate." He grins at Barbossa.

Below Will is watching to see Jack turn in to a skeleton and he looks on confused as Barbossa throws a handful of treasure at Jack to distract him and they begin to fight again.
One of the pirates is sneaking up on Will and he turns just in time to see Katharine block the blow with a saber! Behind her Will sees Elizabeth pick up a long staff and use it as a weapon to attack one of the other pirates.

Barbossa and Jack fight across the cavern and Jack runs in to an end table knocking over a pile of treasure as we see Jack run through a beam of moonlight! Katharine is so shocked by the sight that Will has to block a swing that would have taken off her head.
"Focus, Kat!"

Barbossa has been fought towards a large rock and Jack knocks him over. "So what now, Jack Sparrow? Will we be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgement Day and trumpets sound? Hmm?"
Jack shrugs, "Or you could surrender."
"Arr." Barbossa laughs and runs after Jack.

Katharine, Elizabeth and Will fight the three pirates and one pins Will down and growls at him "I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain."
Elizabeth swings her staff and knocks the pirate back "you like pain? Try wearing a corset." She helps Will up and sees Jack as a skeleton. "Whose side is Jack on?"
Will looks between Jack and Katharine and shrugs. "At the moment?" They all work together and manage to string the three pirates together on Elizabeth's staff. Will then shoves a smoking grenade into the middle one's skeletal stomach and they push them out of the moonlight.
"No fair." The middle pirate whines as they explode.
The explosion distracts Barbossa and Will runs for the chest as Katharine rushes to help Jack. Jack cuts his hand and bleeds on the medallion then tosses it to Will. Barbossa smirks and pulls his pistol out to aim it at Katharine she skids to a halt at the sight of the gun leveled at her.

Jack pulls out his own pistol and shoots Barbossa while he's threatening Katharine.
The sound causes Barbossa to look back at Jack and he sneers.
"Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot?"
"He didn't waste it." Will declares and drops both blood covered medallions into the chest, his own hand bleeding from a cut.
Barbossa drops his sword and pulls aside his coat to look at the blood spreading across his shirt from a wound. "I feel... cold." He falls to the ground dead, an apple rolling from his hand.
Jack drops his pistol and walks to Katharine where she is starting at Barbossa still form.
He tips her chin towards him, "Are you all right,love?" She nods and he takes her hand to pull her behind him and over to a large pile of treasure, he had spotted something earlier that he thought should be hers.

Will sees Elizabeth staring at a large pile of treasure and quietly walks to her. The two share a smile and look deep in to each other's eyes, Will starts to speak but is interrupted by a crash as Jack tosses aside a heavy statue to reach for a specific piece of treasure.
Somewhere he has managed to find a heavy crown?
"We should return to the Dauntless." Elizabeth tells him, watching as the pirate turns to her sister and seem to slip a necklace over her head.
Will nods, "Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe." Elizabeth turns away and heads towards the boats.

Jack has found a beautiful blue gemstone pendant. It is simple compared to most of the gold and jewels in the cavern but perfectly suited to Katharine. The small blue gem held in a setting of gold and the gold chain allows the pendant to hang just between her collarbones. The gem seems to glow in in the torch light of the cave, almost as brightly as Katharine's eyes as she smile's at Jack. "It's beautiful." She whispers.

Elizabeth walks up to her sister and grasps her hand and pulls her behind her towards the exit to the cave, and the responsibilities and expectations that await them.
Jack swaggers over to Will. "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."
Will spares Jack a glance and sees that he to is staring off after the figures of the Swan sisters. "You too."
Jack shrugs sadly, "Now, if you'll be so kind, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off my ship."
Will is rowing them to the Dauntless. "I'm sorry, Jack." Elizabeth tells him, she means more than just the departure of the pearl but Jack chooses to ignore the issue of his feelings for the younger Swan sibling. "They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that."

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