The storm

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Katharine's POV

The storm tossed The Intercepter around most of the night and the movement of the ship was so violent that I was being repeatedly almost dumped out of the bed. I could hear the orders being shouted above deck by Jack in particular as he leads his crew through the storm. Not that I would ever admit to Jack that I was glad to be in the cabin.

Once the worst of the storm was over I'd stripped down to just my shirt and tried to sleep.
3rd person

Just as dawn was breaking Jack unlocked the door to the cabin and walked to the desk in the corner. In his hand he had a bottle of Rum and he took a drink as he pulled the charts on the desk towards him. He shrugged out of his brown leather coat and hung it over a chair to dry with his vest and hat. Katherine had her back to the room and he called out to her. "I know very well you aren't asleep, be angry at me later, come have a drink with me."

Katharine turned over and looked towards Jack in the early morning light. The golden beams were shinning through the windows and showed that Jack was still soaking wet from the storm. His face looked tired and there was a slump of exhaustion to his shoulders. He turned towards the liquor cabinet and commented. "I'll bet Norrington has a good rum hidden in here somewhere." and he started moving bottles.

Katharine sat up on the side of the bed and then slipped out from under the blanket walk across the room. Jack looked back over his shoulder to ask what she would prefer and found himself robbed of words, it was a new sensation for him. She looked like a goddess, hair loose and tumbling in gentle waves down to her small waist. The white shirt reached to mid-thigh and below it her smooth pale legs. The shirt was unbuttoned to just expose full plump breasts and he could just make out the shape and colour light pink nipples through the thin material. She nodded towards the bottle of rum sitting on the desk and commented. "I've never had rum. what's it like?"

Jack swallowed hard, his mouth was suddenly dry and he reached out to pour a half full glass of rum and held it out to her. Katharine took the glass from him and took a small sip. "Hm it's Sweeter than I thought it would be." She says taking a bigger sip draining the glass. She takes a step closer to jack refill the glass and Jack could swear he could smell the faintest scent of lilies in her hair. She turns to face him and he can't help but reach out to touch her face but he stops just shy of doing so however when he feels one of the forgotten silver blades pressed to his inner thigh.

"I don't care the circumstances Captain, if you ever smack my ass again, you will lose a hand so you understand me Captain." Jack can't help but smile slightly at her fire and actually moves closer to go ahead and run his fingers through her soft brown curls and cups the back of her small head.

"Consider this information noted darling."
As his other hand lightly slides over her waist and down her hip and then down again to trace the plump curve of her ass and brushes over the light bruise below that is shaped like a perfect handprint that he had left on her. Katharine's breath hitches slightly as he grazes the sensitive skin and she feels her cheeks blush "Bit sore, are we love? I can always kiss it better." He smirks looking up at her with he gorgeous brown eyes. Katharine drops her eyes to the ground shyly, admitting that Jack has won this round, he steps back away from the blade still pressed to his inner leg. "You should get dressed love, we're almost there."

Katharine's POV

"Dead men tell no tales." Cries Cottons macaw from my arm as we sail through a graveyard of wreaked ships surrounding the Isla de Muerta.
The whole crew was looking at the wrecks dispersed everywhere in the water. Gibbs then comments sadly. "Puts a chill in the bones how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage."

I and Will watch as Jack closes the compass at the helm and makes a small course correction. "How is it that Jack came by that compass?" he asks. Will had told me this morning that the compass pointed not north like a traditional one but to the treasure.

"Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta." Gibbs admits, "That was before I met him, back when he was Captain of the Black Pearl."

Will and I then share a look with one another in shock "What? He failed to mention that." Will said and Gibbs looked slightly guilty to realise he had let something slip about his captain. A moment later he leans in to tell them quietly.

"Well, he plays things closer to the vest now.
And a hard-learned lesson it was. See three days out on the venture the first mate comes to him and says everything's an equal share.
That should mean the location of the treasure, too, so Jack gives up the bearings.
That night there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island and left him to die but not before he had gone mad with the heat."
Will nods, "Ah. So that's the reason for all the?" and he stumbles about and does a credible imitation of Jack.

"Will!" I scold at him
"Reason's got nothing to do with it. Now, when a man is marooned he is a given a pistol with a single shot? one shot. Well it won't do much good hunting or to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starvin belly and thirst, that pistol will start to look real friendly." Gibbs motions shooting oneself in the head and I can't help but glance over to Jack in empathy.

"But Jack? he escaped the island, and he still has that one shot. Oh, but he won't use it, though, he saved it for one man. His mutinous first mate." "Barbossa." Will guesses.
"How did Jack get off the island?" Will asks in confussion.

"Well, I'll tell ye." Gibbs excitedly starts the tale. "He waded out into the shallows and there he waited three days and three nights till all manner of sea creature came and acclimated to his presence. And on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed em together and made a raft."

I couldn't stop the little snort of laughter that escaped my mouth
"He roped a couple of sea turtles?" Will asked in disbelief.
"Aye, sea turtles." Gibbs assured them.
"Where did he get the rope?" I asked genuinely intrigued.

And suddenly Jacks voice can be heard.
"Human hair, from my back." I snicker again and Jack smiles ever so slightly at me "Among other areas." He whispered to me making my eye open wide as I realise what he was referring to "Let go of the anchor!" He yelled

The crew jumps to follow the orders and Jack turns to Gibbs. "Young Mr. Turner and I are to go ashore."
"Captain! What if the worst should happen?"
Gibbs asks.
"Keep to the code." Jack tells him and turns to find me in front of him.
"You're not going without me Captain." Jack starts to object but I don't give him a chance. "That is my sister, and I am going." And I turn and march to help lower the longboat leaving Jack to stare at my back.

Jack Sparrow x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin