Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


The rest of the week went by without any hiccups. Everyone's mood seemed lighter as the danger that hung over us was now gone. I can't even describe how relieved I am knowing that James and his coven wouldn't ever be able to hurt me and that Edward would never have to see me in pain because of another vampire.

It was an amazing feeling.

Alice, true to her word, took me shopping along with Rosalie and Esme to find my 'perfect' dress. They dragged me through loads of stores before they found it and then dragged me into more stores for the shoes and accessories.

It was a really long tiring day and I couldn't wait to be back in Edward's arms again.

It was the day of the dance and Alice was over helping me get ready. She prodded and poked my face with her makeup and then started doing something with my hair. I tried to protest that I was more than capable of getting ready myself but she shook me off and snatched the makeup brush out of my hand.

"You're my masterpiece Bella," she had said, "allow me to do the work"

So I had no choice but to sit back and let her have her way with me. My thoughts drifted to the day I told Charlie that I was going to the dance. He didn't seemed surprised, he was happy that I was finally going to a school function. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was being forced into it.

An hour later Alice stepped back and clapped her hands. She was looking at me with awe in her eyes.

"Perfection, just perfection," she mused.

I stood up and walked carefully -the heals she had put me in were bit too high for my liking - towards my mirror. I gasped in shock at my reflection. The woman in front of me didn't even look like me. I was dressed in a knee length blue dress -Edward's favourite colour on me- with my hair pulled into an elegant bun with a few loose strands falling on my face. My makeup was light, only enhancing my beauty. I turned to face Alice.

"Alice - I - Wow. Thank you so much" I walked over to her and gave her a hug which she gladly returned.

"I know, I'm just amazing," she gushed. "Now, I have to leave. Edward's nearly here and I still need to get ready"

I nodded and said my goodbyes and she walked gracefully out of my bedroom and down the stairs. Charlie said his goodbyes and I took this time to calm my breathing. This would be the first time Edward would be seeing me all dressed up and I hoped he would like it.

A light knock on the door sent my heart hammering in my chest and I heard Charlie go and answer it. He greeted Edward and made small talk, I tried to calm my breathing again.

"Bells! Edward's here!"


I quickly grabbed my silver clutch and made sure I had everything before spraying my favourite perfume and slowly left my bedroom; my black heals clicking with every step I took. They were standing at the bottom of the stairs and I had the pleasure of seeing Edward's eyes widen before he quickly composed himself.

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