Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


"What?" Bella asked trembling. Her heart rate picked up so I quickly sat next to her -after forcing Alice to move with a dirty look - and grabbed her hand. She was shaking. "Why? They shouldn't be coming anywhere near Forks! We haven't given them a reason!"

At this point, the whole family were in living room, all of them worried about what Alice had just seen.

"They wanted to branch out their hunting and knew they were other vampires in the area" I explained

"But how?" Bella asked, her voice trembling. "How could they possibly know you guys are here?"

"I don't know love," I pulled her closer to me.

"We have to stop them before they get close," Jasper spoke, taking charge. He was stood centre of the living room arms folded. He was used to encounters like this and took it upon himself to take charge of the situation. "Bella's scent is everywhere around here, once James catches it the hunt will begin"

Bella hid her face in her hands and trembled more. I ran my hand up and down her back soothingly, hating the fact that my girl was hurting.

"We could lure them onto the Quileute lands and they could deal with them" I said, glancing at my family, "the wolves are always itching for a fight with vampires"

Alice spoke but her eyes were far away. "They won't want to get close. The smell alone would put them off"

"Alice's right," Bella said but her voice was muffled by her hands. She took a deep breath and looked up. "Plus there's not enough wolves to take them on. Half of the pack hasn't changed yet, as far as I'm aware it's just Sam and he won't be able to do it alone"

Emmett jumped up. His eyes blazing. "Then we fight. They aren't getting close to Bella"

I looked at him and nodded. That we agreed on, they won't get close to her.

"There won't be any need for a fight..." Carlisle started to say, he hated using violence but Rosalie cut him off.

"No Emmett's right. We could lure them into a clearing and once James smells Bella on Edward he will go into a frenzy. That's when we attack and put a stop to them"

Esme placed a hand on Carlisle's shoulder. "She's right honey. They won't stop. This is the only way"

I was surprised at Esme. She hated violence just as much as Carlisle did but from her thoughts she was going to do anything to protect Bella.

"Leave Laurent alone," Bella said. "He's meant to be with Irina so maybe you could guide him towards her with the promise of a different lifestyle. I don't Irina holding any grudges against us for killing her mate"

"He tried to kill you Bella," Emmett said, shooting a look at Bella.

She ignored his look. "On behalf of Victoria! He wouldn't have come if she didn't make him!"

"When are they coming?" Carlisle asked.

"In two days" Alice replied.

We discussed where it would be best to lure them and decided we would use the clearing where the battle with newborns took place in Eclipse. The whole time Bella trembled and was taking shaky breaths. She curled into me which I gladly accepted and pulled her so so was sat in my lap. Her head was on my chest and ran my hand up and down her side trying to soothe her.

It didn't work.

By the time Bella had to go home, I had to drive her as she was in no state to drive. She curled her knees into her chest, deep in thought as she started out of the window.

"Love, you don't need to worry. It'll be over and done with before you know it" I spoke to her softly and glanced at her.

"I know," she paused. "I just don't want any of you getting hurt because of me"

I chuckled. "We will be fine. You don't need to worry about a thing. Before you realise I'll be back by your side and it will be like nothing ever happened"

"I hope so. It's just..."

She pursed her lips and shook her head like she was trying to get rid of whatever she thought.


She looked at me. "I just can't help but think that maybe fate has caught up to us. Like everything that happened in the books will actually play out"

"If that's the case then will overcome it together," I said with certainty and she looked down, biting her lip. "If you're thinking if it would drive me away it won't. I've already promised I would be with you forever and I intend to stick to that promise"

Bella relieved and I pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. The rest of the drive she seemed to be a bit calmer. We pulled up outside Charlie's and saw the porch light on. He had been expecting her.

"Heads up, Charlie wants to speak to you about Mike," I frowned, "he's not happy"

Bella groaned. "That's the last thing I want"

"He's just been the protective father, Bella" I turned to face her. "Now are you going to be able to walk or do I have to carry you?"

Bella laughed. "I can walk. Thank you for driving me home Edward"

I grinned. "Anytime"

She reached over and pressed her lips to mine and I groaned. I wrapped my arms around her the best I could and she flung her hands around my neck, deepening the kiss. The gentlemen inside screamed at me to stop before it went too far but I fought him off, I was enjoying this too much. She tangled her fingers in my hair - a new thing she did which I loved - and I ran my thumb across her back.

We pulled apart and I was satisfied to see her cheeks were flushed and she breathing heavily.

"Calm down love, I'm sure you don't want Charlie to see you like this"

"It'd probably give him a heart attack" she giggled.

"It definitely would"

She pulled away and sighed. "I would say I'll see you tonight but..."

I smiled sadly. I wouldn't be seeing her until after the fight was over as Jasper thought it would be a good idea to get some training in so we're better prepared.

"I'll be there to pick you up after school once it's done" I promised, "I want to take you somewhere"

"You do?" She asked surprised.

"Of course I do, spending time with you is my favourite part of the day" I smiled. "Now go before Charlie comes out and drags you out of the car"

Bella laughed but agreed. I kissed her quickly before she climbed out of the car. I waited until she was safely inside and when Charlie wasn't watching, I jumped out of her car, locked it and placed the key under a plant pot near her front door before running home.

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