Chapter Ten

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


By the end of the day, I was practically gleaming with happiness. My Bella was real, she was more beautiful than the books described and she was coming to visit us tomorrow.

Jasper was trying hard to contain all of our emotions on the ride home, it didn't help when he had myself and Alice filled up with excitement and he too found himself excited. I was pretty sure he was about to start squealing at any minute. I chuckled and he shot me a dirty look through the rear view mirror.

'Shut it Eddie, maybe if you and my darling wife weren't practically jumping out of your seats, I wouldn't be feeling like this!'

I chuckled again and pulled up outside our house. Carlisle and Esme were waiting outside, both of them eager to find out how our day went and if Bella was real. I jumped out of the car and walked over to them.

"Hello son," Carlisle greeted, holding Esme close to him, "how was school?"

His question seemed normal enough but I could tell that there was a deeper meaning. He wanted to know if Bella was there.

"School was great," I answered and a smile broke its way onto my face, "Bella's coming over tomorrow"

Esme gasped and placed her hands over her mouth. Her eyes filled with tears that would never shed and she broke out of Carlisle's embrace and quickly hugged me. I returned the hug knowing how much she appreciated the affection.

"She's real?" She asked once we broke away

I nodded. "She's real and she's beautiful"

'Im so happy for you son' Carlisle thought patting me on my back. I nodded in thanks. "Does she know about us?" He asked out loud.

Before I could reply, Alice dashed over to us. Emmett and Rosalie took Jasper hunting to try and help him burn off the excitement.

"Yes she knows. She got the books too but she's only on the third one" Alice answered before I could.

I shot Alice a dirty look to which she shrugged. Carlisle pulled Esme towards him and kissed her head, his thoughts screaming in happiness over the fact he was going to gain a new daughter and a granddaughter in the future.

"Well that makes it easier. We mustn't spoil the last book for her though. We don't know how she'd react to the pair of you having a daughter"

I nodded at Carlisle's words knowing it made sense. I didn't want to frighten Bella off and who knows how she'd react to us telling her that we would have a daughter someday. Yeah, I can't imagine that would go down well.

"We must get things ready then. Oh I hope I've got enough food in!" Esme said before dashing off into the kitchen. I chuckled knowing her maternal instincts were already kicking in. She loved Bella already.

"She does know that Bella would eat before she comes over right?" Alice asked, watching Esme through the windows, "she doesn't want to come and think she's being rude for asking for some food"

I shook my head. That was so Bella. We would do anything for her even if that meant making her some food but Bella being Bella, she was too polite to ask.

"That doesn't matter to Esme. I'm sure she'll have a light snack ready and waiting for her" I replied chucking. Alice shrugged and dashed into the woods muttering about checking up on Jasper.

I followed Carlisle into the house and up the stairs into the living rooms I noticed there were more sofas around and a brand new flat screen TV on the wall. Carlisle admitted that he and Esme went a bit mad, they wanted to make it as homey as possible for Bella since this would be her future home. Besides the cottage of course.

"I've also ordered the bed for Bella for when she's comfortable enough to sleep over," Carlisle explained, "Esme didn't want her sleeping on an air bed"

I nodded in understanding and after saying my goodbyes, I rushed into my bedroom and into my en-suite to take a shower. My thoughts were on nothing but Bella and how tomorrow would go. My mind came up with many scenarios but none of them seemed right. I guess I'd have to find out when she comes tomorrow.

I shut off the shower and stepped out, I looked around my bathroom and decided to add some stuff to make Bella more comfortable. I'm Alice wouldn't mind helping. I wrapped a towel around my waist just as my phone beeped with a text message.

Already on it Edward. She will love it! Oh, I've also made your bathroom soundproof for her -you're welcome. -Alice

Even though Alice could be a force of nature at times, she had the purest heart and I was for once, thankful for her gift. Even more so since Bella could go to the bathroom without her worrying about us hearing her. I knew it was important for girls to have their privacy whilst in the bathroom.

The rest of the night continued in a blur. Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie and Alice returned not long after nightfall. Jasper had managed to calm down enough to enter the house and join us, I noticed that he had also hunted. When I asked him about this -we had hunted the night before - he said he didn't want to take any risks when it comes to Bella and her safety. I simply nodded at his words, glad that we were on the same page.

When daylight broke through the cloudy skies, I rushed to get ready, eager to see Bella again. It took everything in me not to go to her house last night but I knew she was coming over today and that's what kept me going.

Carlisle and Esme were ready at the door to see us set off. Carlisle had taken the day off work especially for today. We said our goodbyes before jumping into a vehicles and headed to the school.

Slightly boring chapter, sorry!!!

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