Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


The next few weeks flew and things were falling into place. After the discussion, myself and the Cullen's became 'close' and they even joined me at my usual table at lunch. At first, everyone was confused but they soon accepted it and started including them in their conversations.

As hard as it was, myself and Edward started off slow before we went on a couple of dates. He even asked Charlie's permission to take me out to which Charlie was surprised by. He made Edward promise to look after me which Edward quickly promised he would. When it first came out that we were dating, to say everyone was shocked -mainly Jessica who was practically gleaming with jealously- was an understatement. She couldn't understand why he had chosen me, plain boring Bella (her words not mine) instead of her. I shrugged it off and said clearly he wanted someone with class.

She didn't like that. We haven't spoken since.

We didn't make it official though yet, as far as people were aware it was just a couple of dates and nothing official came out of it. Angela, questioned me about it but I just said we're seeing where things go. She understood and was genuinely happy for me.

Edward played his part perfectly even though I could tell it was hard for him. He took me to the movies, bowling, ice skating -he kept a firm grasp on me the whole time even though I could skate perfectly - he took me new places for a 'meal' and on a night, he came into my bedroom and we chatted until I fell asleep on his chest.

We discussed things that were going to be a key part of our relationship. He agreed not to keep anything from me if I promised him not to be so stubborn, I argued that I wasn't stubborn but he shut me up my rolling his eyes and gently shoving me towards my pillow. We also agreed to trust each other more. I nearly jumped for joy when he said he wouldn't be a massive prude like he was in the books since we both know it would possible and enjoyable, but he still wanted to wait until our wedding night before we took it further.

I had agreed, beaming. Edward only chucked and muttered 'women' which ended up with a pillow being thrown in his face. He dodged it of course but that only made him laugh louder.

When I wasn't on a date, at school or spending my nights with Edward, I spent my days with the rest of the Cullen family. Emmett was determined to win me at guitar hero which he hasn't yet done. I made sure to spend time with all of them, even Jasper who was trying to make more of an effort by telling me stories about his past. It was truly fascinating. We had formed a bond of some sorts. When I wasn't with Emmett or Jasper, I spent my time with Rosalie and Alice. We did each other's hair, dressed each other up and gossiped about the latest rumours at school.

I managed to spend time with Carlisle and Esme. When I was with Carlisle we spent our time in his study going over our favourite books and when I disagreed with him, he jokingly spun me on his office chair making me squeal and laugh. Esme was different, I taught her new recipes and helped her in her garden. It was nice growing the bond with my new family.

Before Edward came into my room every night though, I made sure to read Breaking Dawn and finished it in record time. My heart swelled at the thought of our daughter and how awesome I'll be as a vampire. I even put Emmett to shame when I won the arm wrestling match.

Everything was falling into place.

The whole Jacob imprinting thing though, that annoyed me.

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