Chapter Six

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


The flight to Seattle took longer much to my dismay. I swear the pilot was taking longer on purpose and I was about ready to jump out of the plane and run the rest of the way. With each passing minute I was getting closer to my love but time wasn't on my side.

When the plane finally landed I quickly but not too quickly of course, hopped off and practically ran through security ignoring all of the strange looks I got. My family were struggling to keep up but they could understand why I was eager. They were eager too but they were more concerned about blowing our cover and revealing what we really are. I couldn't care less, all that mattered was that we got to Forks.

I quickly got our rental cars and by the time my family reached me I was ready just to take off running. I knew the way to the house and it would be quicker for us to run there but Alice had insisted we take some of our belongings with us which made us have to rent some cars. The bigger stuff would be arriving in the next couple of days by moving trucks.

"Gee Edward slow down it's not like we're in a rush or anything" Emmett said to me

I glared at him. "You would be the same if you were in my shoes"

Emmett knew this was the truth. If the roles were switched he would have left straight away to get to his mate, heck I remember the time Rosalie went off on a three day hunting trip with Alice and he was going out of his mind, he longed to be with his mate and when they returned, they had to re decorate their whole bedroom. Still, this didn't stop him from making jokes.

"Nah, I don't think I'd fit in your shoes. You've got big feet"

I chose to ignore him and his childish ways. Sometimes I swear Emmett was a five year old stuck in a grown man's body. It was challenging at times living with him.

Carlisle scolded him for his behaviour to which Emmett grumbled something along the lines of 'people can't take a joke'. I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy helping Esme lift all the useless things Alice had made us bring with us into the cars. I have no idea why Alice insisted we'd bring it all with us, we could always buy more it wasn't like we were low on money or anything; but Alice was Alice. Can't argue with her, can't reason with her.

Once we had settled on who would be driving what, I settled into the drivers seat of the one of the rental cars. It wasn't my beloved Volvo but it would have to do. My Volvo would arrive in time for school tomorrow but until then, I had to use a Citron car. Not my favourite choice. Rosalie climbed in the passenger seat with Alice and Jasper in the back. I was grateful when Esme told Emmett to ride with her and Carlisle, she could sense I was about to rip his head off. Plus, I could tell by her thoughts, she was going to lecture him on his behaviour and I was glad I'm not Emmett right now.

I started the engine, dissatisfied with how it didn't purr like my Volvo, and sped out of the airport and towards Forks. Alice was busy babbling about all the shopping trips her and Bella could do and I chuckled at the thought of my poor Bella having to cope with it. She hated shopping with a passion.

Seattle's scenery passed in a blur and turned from busy streets to quiet wooden landscape and I knew we were getting closer to Forks. It took everything not to press more onto the gas but I knew the car wouldn't take it, I was already pushing it to its limits and ignoring every traffic law there was.

'Edward, calm down. We will get there in no time' Jasper thought to me and sent me waves of calmness. I was thankful for his gift, times like this it really came in handy.

"What are we going to do if Bella's not real?" Rosalie asked, breaking the silence and I grasped the wheel tightly.

The thought of Bella not being real hadn't crossed my mind once, but now that it's been mentioned, I couldn't help but have a bit of doubt. What if it was only a prank? My heart dropped at the thought.

"Nonsense, since we've arrived I've seen our futures change. Edward's especially," Alice said, "I've seen Edward with a dark haired girl fitting Bella's description. They are in love and happy"

I let out a breath I was holding in relief. If Alice saw that, then it had to be true. I stopped at a red light and watched as Carlisle and Esme stopped behind me.

Suddenly, I was thrown into the vision Alice saw earlier, and I couldn't stop the massive smile that appeared on my face.

***Alice's vision ****

We were in our meadow. Holding hands, kissing and joking around. I noticed the wedding rings on our fingers. We were happy. The vision ended with Bella's golden eyes locked into mine.

*End of vision*****

The vision was blurry in some parts and I knew that had something to do with Renesmee and the wolves. I clenched my teeth together, I still haven't gotten over the fact that Jacob Black would imprint on my newborn daughter. At first he wanted my girl but since he couldn't get her, he went after my daughter. The boy had some nerve.

One thing was for certain though. The whole Bella/Jacob love triangle thing wasn't going to happen.

The rest of the drive was in silence and soon we passed the 'Welcome to Forks' sign and I sped through the small village towards our home hidden deep in the woods. I turned onto our twisty road and pressed on the gas making the rental car groan in response. The house came into view and I quickly stopped the sad excuse of the car and jumped out.

Carlisle and Esme followed soon after, parking their car behind mine. Emmett jumped out of the car, he didn't look happy at all. He stomped into the house and into his and Rosalie's shared bedroom.

Rosalie rolled her eyes before following after her mate. I chuckled as I watched her, she seriously deserved a medal for putting up with him. The rest of us unpacked our stuff in our bedrooms and started doing our own thing for the night.

Esme called us down around three in the morning to inform us that we were all enrolled into Forks high and we would be starting today. Carlisle had his first day at the hospital and Esme would be staying at home, making sure we had everything ready for when Bella would arrive.

Bella. In a few hours time I would be seeing if what the books had said were true.

And I couldn't wait.

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