Chapter Eleven

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


Today's events played through my mind making me dizzy as I drove home. How have I gone from not knowing if the Cullens were real, to going to their house tomorrow after school? It all happened so quickly but even though my mind couldn't keep up, I was happy. It would give us the chance to talk and maybe change a few things.

I pulled up in my driveway and groaned when my truck made a wheezing sound. It was seriously on its last legs. I grabbed my stuff from the passenger side and jumped out making a mental note to take a look at it tonight.

I didn't know much about cars, but I knew enough thanks to Charlie. Rosalie would be proud.

Charlie wasn't home yet which I was thankful for, he would see my confused state and would only question it. I unlocked the front door, took my boots off -much to my feet's relief- and dumped my stuff in its usual place by the steps. I sighed, it was too quiet. I already longed to be around the Cullens knowing there was always something going on, especially with Emmett around. I walked over to my Bluetooth speaker and connected my phone up and turned up the volume. 'Rockefeller Street Nightcore Getter Jaani' started playing and I found myself humming along to the beat.

I pre prepared dinner for tonight before heading upstairs to make a start on my homework. If I wanted to at least pass school I had to do the work even though every part of me was screaming to finish Eclipse and start Breaking Dawn.

I had just finished my homework and was about to head out to look at my truck when my phone rang from across the room. I stood up away from my desk and walked over to it, curious about who was calling me.

Jake x

My heart thumped in my chest. I knew I'd have to this conversation sooner than later but I thought it'd have to be me phoning him. We had been friends since we could walk and he was great company, but I saw him as a brother when Jacob clearly saw me as something more.

That had to be stopped.

I turned down my music so it was softly playing in the background and answered the phone. The call was like our usual chats, just us two joking around and him complaining because I haven't seen him in a while.

"Seriously Bella, I'm gonna have grey hair by the time you visit me"

I laughed and joked that he could always come to me. He simply laughed in return and I made sure to keep calling my best friend and brother during the phone call hoping he would get the hint. After a few times of me saying it, he went quiet like he was having an internal battle with himself but he was soon back to his usual self. He even called me his sister.

By the end of the phone call I was convinced that whatever Jacob saw in me, had gone. He had to know that nothing would come out of us and I hoped he wouldn't try and advance it. The last thing I needed was him and Edward fighting over my affection.

I placed my phone on my bedside table, changed into my sweats and headed downstairs. I needed to have a look at my truck and see what the problem was. Before I went out however, I shoved dinner in the oven and headed outside.

To my surprise, there was a new car parked in the driveway. One that I wasn't familiar with. I looked at it confusion but amazement. It was a beautiful car. Charlie stepped out and smiled sheepishly at me.

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