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Jaune stood in the moonlit night atop Beacon Academy rooftops. The stars were barely visible through the haze that draped the city of Vale, a faint glimmering hope in the dark sky. He had always found peace here, away from the constant scrutiny, bullying, and expectations below. But tonight was different. Tonight, he was not alone by choice but by summon—a request from his partner, Pyrrha Nikos, one of the most respected and capable students at Beacon. A figure he had come to know as his friend but to others was the legendary Invincible Girl, as invincible as the metal that made his family legendary.

Pyrrha approached him slowly, her footsteps silent against the stone. Her face, usually warm and inviting, was drawn into a serious, contemplative expression. Jaune couldn't help but feel uneasy; Pyrrha's demeanor suggested this was no casual meeting.

"Jaune," she began, her voice steady but laced with concern that made his heart sink. "I've been thinking about how you've been treated by Cardin. It's not right. Why don't you stand up to him?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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