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The next few minutes were a blur, as something almost animalistic swam up from the surface, a few of the creatures making ichor spill out from various places, the same ichor patching her up almost immediately. "Pietro." She heard Thor say as the boy ran over, somehow taking the Gauntlet from Thanos' hand, and passing it to the God of Thunder. The fighting stalled from both sides, as Thor put on the gauntlet. 

"This is for all of Asgard, you purple bastard." And with that, he snapped. 

Seconds after, his troops began to dissapear, Thanos himself dissapearing soon after. A minute of silence was held on the battlefield, the wounded immediatelly being catered off to be taken care of as Lizzie valuted her way to her brother. "Thor! Thor, you okay?" When the man turned, his right hand, from the elbow down, was completely charred, as Thor looked down upon it. "I am now." Tony walked over, hissing, "Ooooh. That's gotta hurt, right?" Thor shook his head, "Not at all, Stark. Not at all." Bucky walked over, "Uh... If you need a hand- " Steve snorted off to the side. "-Shut up Steve, I got a girl for that." 

A girl walked up to Bucky, gesturing to his arm, "My own design. You like it?" Thor nodded, laughing, "I suppose I'll need a replacement." The girl fistbumped Bucky, running around trying to find her brother, "T'CHALLA, WE GOT WHITE BOY #3!" Lizzie laughed to herself as Tony put his arm around Pepper, who snuggled into him, "Alright, dinner at my place? Everyone's invited, of course." 

And just like that, a huge banquet was held outside the Stark Residence, with everyone in attendance, because when Tony Stark says everyone is welcome, he means everyone. Bruce, Steve, Bucky and Sam went of a bit earlier, returning five minutes later, with Steve dragging along a very familiar someone. "HEY GUYS, LOOK WHO I FOUND BEHIND A TREE!" He yelled, everyone turning around, only to see-

"Hands off me, Captain." The black haired man patted the place where Steve's hand used to be, cleaning it from the dirt that was on Steve's hands for some reason. "Loki?" Thor mumbled, sitting near the head of the table, Lizzie sitting opposite him. "Hello brother. Sister." Thor immediately leaped up, rugby tackling him to the ground, and she didn't know if he was hugging him or trying to kill him for real this time. "Thor, you idiot! Get off of me!" 

Lizzie laughed, apparently Loki cheated death. Again. After a quick reunion, Loki explained how he's back. "So basically, what Thor saw was magic, and after that, I was snapped." He explained shortly, maybe confusing anyone who didn't understand what he meant by that, but those that did understood damn well.

Very quickly, Aurelius had taken a liking to his uncle, for reasons unknown to the Norse god, but as soon as Thor screamed, his undershirt now gone, everyone knew - these two are going to be a pain in the ass for everyone.

Just as they were wrapping up, only the original Avengers remaining, a jet landed not far from the house. Natasha looked at Lizzie, nodding towards the jet as she creeped closer, the door opening slowly. Lizzie motioned with her hand for everyone else to get inside, just in case a fight breaks out.

"Иди на хуй." Someone swore at the slowly opening door, before crouching down and exiting underneath. Natasha had her gun trained on the figure, but her stance dropped as soon as the figure came into the light of Lizzie's activated lightsaber. "Елена." Natasha breathed out as the blonde barreled at her, the two embracing. Lizzie let out a breath she didn't know she held in, keeping the saber activated as a source of light. 

"Uh, Lizzie, this is Yelena, my sister." Natasha said, an arm wrapped around the other woman's shoulders. Lizzie smiled, extending her hand, "Nice to finally put a face to the name." Yelena shook her hand, immediately deadpanning, "Don't tell me she told you that story about the dino nuggets." Lizzie nodded, "She did." Yelena turned towards the redhead, who was looking at Lizzie with a betrayed look in her face, Lizzie shrugged, as in, 'What was I supposed to do? Lie?'

"You better run, Natalia." 

The two took off, the blonde chasing the older widow, as Lizzie walked back, taking her time. "Hurry up, Lizzie, we're going home!" Valkyrie yelled, and at first Lizzie thought she was sprawled over Loki because she was drunk, but it turns out it was the other way around. "Alright, who the fuck gave Reindeer Games Asgardian mead?" Tony said, hands on his hips. Thor patted him with his good hand, "Don't worry, Stark, he's going to be okay." 

Tony sighed, mumbling to himself as he went inside, "God, I sure hope so. I don't want a repeat of 2012, you hear me?" He turned around, facing Loki who gave him a meek thumbs up. Tony snickered, "Alright, thank you and to all a good night." Rhodey snorted from his place on the porch, "Okay, Santa." Tony scoffed, waving one last goodbye to everyone as he entered the house with Morgan in his arms, Peter and Harley following close behind, bickering about the latter's potato gun.

Lizzie sighed, calling over Achilles with her ring. "Okay but seriously, where'd you get that?" Carol came up next to her, making Lizzie look over briefly, before answering, "Hala. A good friend of mine gave it to me." Carol scoffed, the two looking on as the ship came closer, "Was that brainwashed me, perchance?" Lizzie groaned, making Carol laugh harder, "Listen- Oh Jesus- I'd know if it was you, you fucking idiot!" Another voice came by, "Uh-oh, Mom said a no-no." 

She looked down, the blond boy now standing next to her, his uncle, other uncle, holding his hand. "Yes, so what do you say we send her to Sakaar, as a punishment?" Aurelius basically lit up at the idea, as Brunhilde shook her head, "Oh no, no, no, no, you're not sending anyone anywhere, orders of the King." Lizzie looked back and forth between the grinning Thor and the even more grinning Valkyrie, only now realizing what happened. 

"Oh. Well, if it's like that, thank you for not banishing me, Your Majesty." Brunhilde rolled her eyes, "Ah crap, this is gonna be payback for the countless Princess jokes?" Lizzie grinned, hugging her, "Yep. And you owe me a beer." Aurelius perked up as a drink was mentioned, "Oh, oh, can I get a Capri Sun?" Brunhilde looked at the boy, "Sure, little man." Aurelius then ran inside the ship, calling shotgun as Carol chased after him with Goose, 

She dozed off as Carol piloted, which may have not been a good idea with Aurelius in the co-pilot seat, but thank god she had childproofed the ship when he was going through the toddler tantrums, and she finally got that AI she had been meaning to ask Tony for, eventually settling on calling it Freddie, as a tribute to the man whose voice was her only solid ground in the first years of being estranged from everyone she knew and loved.

"Let's Scooby Dooby Doo this shit." 

"Loki, what?"


and that's it for endgame. yes i went with metal arm thor because NOBODY NEEDS TO DIE HERE, I EVEN RESSERUCTED PIETRO FOR GOD'S SAKE. also she unofficialy did adopt the twins because the only fights i need are clint and lizzie arguing about the twins over the phone as kate looks at clint like he didn't just dodge a sword thrown his way by a tracksuit.

anywho, up next, is something i haven't watched since it came out for christmas eve 2022, and that of course is, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: HOLIDAY SPECIAL (WITH KEVIN BACON) i had to add that* in there

* = (p.s. that one's for you @incandescenttcloverr )

hope you liked it, and see you for the arm reveal- i mean, holiday cheer (even if it's not even may) BYEEEEE <33333

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