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a year after the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 ensued, 2015.

As promised to Yondu, she went after her family. First, Brunhilde. Basically her only family before she realized she was not an only child in space, or excluding the Guardians. After staying on Sakaar for a year, a legitimate year, in which a bunch of stuff happened, like a huge, green man who was also from Earth suddenly appearing, letting her catch up with Earth stuff from the past thirty or so years.

After that year, she took off. To Asgard. As she approached the golden kingdom, she was stopped by a rainbow light that ejected her from the ship, as she found herself tumbling on her feet and eventually landing face-first onto the floor. "Who are you?" A male voice queried, and Lizzie was on her feet in no time, pretending that this entire scene this guy had to watch didn't happen.

"I'm- uh, I'm Elizabeth Danvers, and I'm here to see Odin?" She only realized how dumb that sentence was, you can't just drop by and demand to see the All-Father. Well, he was, but he probably didn't even realize it. Oh well, whatever. To her suprise, the bald man with the big sword which she realized was Hofund, nodded, saying "Follow me." She quickly shrugged, walking behind the man. 

After minutes of listening about the glorious history of Asgard and its people, information which she already knew very well, they reached the palace, or rather a balcony. With a stage. And a play was just wrapping up. What the shit? The man, who she now knew as Skurge coughed into his fist, the grey haired man from the couch looking over at them. Hooooly shit, that's my father. "Here, for you, All-Father, is Elizabeth Danvers, also known as- what did you say your other name was?" He asked her.

"Icarus." She leaned towards him slightly, whispering. Skurge bolted upwards, like he just conquered the known world. "Ah, right, the mighty Icarus!" Odin nodded, wooshing his hand at Skurge, who nodded and went back to the Bifrost. Odin rose up, "Follow me, my child." fuck, how did he know already? She ran after the old man, who was already halfway into the castle, probably heading into his chambers. She noted that he was way too fast for an ordinary old guy, but she brushed it off as his godness. 

As they made it into his chambers, Lizzie asked, "How did you know?" Odin turned around, a slightly panicked look on his face, "Know what?" Lizzie had a puzzled look, "That... I'm your child?" Odin appeared just as confused as she was, "What?!" He bellowed, both of them confused. "How is that possible?" He mumbled into his beard, but then a green glow overtook the room. 

Lizzie pointed at the blackhaired man who stood in Odin's place, "Who the fuck are you?" Green eyes met her brown ones. "I am Loki of Asgard. Well, not really. I was adopted. Anyway what the Hel do you think you're doing with that 'I am your child' thing?" Lizzie shrugged, rolling her eyes, as she pulled a file out of her ring, that contained her DNA back from the golden lady told her this jawdropping news. 

Loki looked at the hologram, rubbing his chin in toughtfulness. "Well, I guess you are." He turned towards her with a big smile, "Welcome to the family." She nodded, "Thanks... I guess..." Loki gasped suddenly, "Oh, I'm sorry, we parked your ship in our hangars, I'll have one of my guards get you there if you want." She shook her head, answering to his offer, "Uh, actually, I came here for Odin. So if you could lead me to him, that would be really cool." Loki instantly reverted into his "Odin" look, nodding, "We'll go with the Bifrost." 


For the first time in more then thirty years, she set foot on Earth. By the Statue of Liberty, she noticed they were in New York. But where were the Twins? Loki nudged her as they arrived at the elderly people home, "Ok, he's here under the name Donald Blake." She nodded, stepping into the building, hearing a remark from Loki, "When you're done, just yell for Skurge, he'll pick you up." he sent her a thumbs up, before going to a hot dog stand. 

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