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Lizzie booted up the ship, the raccoon sitting in the co-pilot seat. "So, what's your relationship with Star Boy? Another one of his flings?" Lizzie visibly cringed, "Ew, no! I'm, like, his older sister, I've known him since he was eight." The raccoon grumbled, "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry."

"I am Groot."

"I didn't say that sarcasticaly!"

"I am Groot!"

"I hate you, you know that?"

"...I am Groot."

The raccoon sighed, "He's making us start over, FINE, YOU SEE THIS? Hi, I'm Rocket." Lizzie smiled, shaking his extended hand, "Elizabeth Danvers, but you can call me Lizzie." Rocket moved his seat to the control pannel, smirking slightly, "Alright then, Lizzie, how do we get up there?"


"HEY, HEY, HEY, I DIDN'T SAY FIRE AT THEM." Lizzie scolded, Rocket mumbled something and turned on the comms. "Attention, idiots. The lunatic on top of this craft is holding a Hadron Enforcer. It's a weapon of my own design." He looked quite proud of that, as he should.

"If you don't hand over our companions now, he's gonna tear your ship a new one. A very BIG NEW ONE!" She snorted, knowing Yondu won't do anything and that Rocket wouldn't do shit too. "I'm giving you to the count of five. 5," There was already some commotion on the other line, "4, 3..." A new voice came on, "Rocket, it's me, for God sakes! We figured it out! We're fine!" She sighed, thank fuck.

"Oh, hey, Quill. What's going on?"


A few minutes later after landing inside the huge Ravagers ship Lizzie once used to call home, the gang sat in a storage room, as Rocket kept shitting on Peter's new and improved plan. "You call that 'figured it out'?" Rocket questioned, sitting on a metal crate. "We're gonna rob the guys who just beat us senseless." Lizzie winced, rubbing her back. Yep, that's a bruise.

"Oh, you want to talk about senseless? How about trying to save us by blowing us up?"

"We were only gonna blow you up if they didn't turn you over!"

"And how on Earth were they gonna turn us over when you only gave them a count of five?"

"We didn't have the time to work out the minutiae of the plan!" He turned towards her and Groot, "This is what we get for acting altruistically."

"I am Groot."

"They are ungrateful."Rocket added before Gamora spoke up, which was weird to Lizzie considering she was the biggest criminal out of them all here, even the kleptomaniac raccoon had less crimes, "What's important now is we get the Ravagers' army to help us save Xandar." Rocket scoffed at the green woman, "So we can give the Stone to Yondu who's just gonna sell to someone even worse?"

Peter dipped his head, "We'll figure that part out later." Gamora reminded everyone, "We have to stop Ronan." "How?" The raccoon cried. Peter suddenly shot up, announcing that,"I have a plan." Now it was Lizzie's turn to scoff, "Great, we're all gonna die." She rolled her eyes, Rocket sharing her toughts. "You got a plan?" He didn't seem to believe that either. "...yes?"Peter said hesitantly, which had Rocket scoffing, again. "First of all, you're copying me from when I said I had a plan."

"No, I'm not. People say that all the time. It's not that unique of a thing to say." Peter defended himself., but Rocket was relentless, "Secondly, I don't even believe you have a plan."

"I have part of a plan!"

Drax, who's been quiet this entire time, asked. "What percentage of a plan do you have?" Gamora pointed a finger to him, "You don't get to ask questions after the nonsense you pulled on Knowhere." Drax defended himself, stoic as ever "I just saved Quill." Peter once again retaliated on that claim,"We've already established that you destroying the ship that I'm on is not saving me." he said, elicting two reactions from Rocket and Lizzie, "When did we establish it?/ For fucks sake be nice Peter."

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