chapter one

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1981, Massachusetts, Beverly

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1981, Massachusetts, Beverly

It was their 16th birthday, April 24th, and per usual, her twin sister was ill. Lizzie begged her parents to let her take a walk, saying that 'she wasn't gonna make a stray cat get a fever', and when they finally gave in and said yes, she swooped her backpack's shoulder strap into her hand, cheerfully yelling 'see you later' to anyone that could hear her.

Ever since she could remember, which was fairly early, she wasn't allowed to go near the abandoned mall, they told her people did drugs in and around there. But today, she didn't give a single crap. She was sixteen for fucks sake, basically an young adult.

She started running, straping her Walkman to her waist and that satisfying click was always a welcome sound. She hastily clicked play, not noticing that her ring slipped from her finger in the meantime.

She grabbed her skateboard, and started going downhill, lowering herself to gain more speed. The spray cans in her backpack jingled, the gravely road making the skateboard slighty jump. The murky grey clouds setting the mood, Lap of the Gods by Queen filling her ears.

Lizzie stopped, that one roll downhill was enough to reach the mall, considering how fast she was going, she tought it was gonna be covered in the news. She snickered to herself while picking up her skateboard to lean it against the wall, imagining the headline.

Teen on a skateboard breaks the sound barier

Shutting herself up quickly, she went over to one of the only walls that was not filled with paint. The walls were already used as canvas before, the old advertisments from the 50s barely visible.

She unzipped her backpack, pulling out the sage green paint. The only person to know about her alter ego, Icarus, was Carol. She started spraying a simple peace! in bubble letters. America was starting to get on her nerves very quickly, she could vote in a few years, but like that's going to change anything.

Suddenly, something shifted. Before she could look around, she was 20 centimeters away from the ground. Clutching her backpack somewhat clumsily, which somehow got tangled up into the wheels of her skate, she tried to yell out for help.

But it was like her head was underwater, the beam of light consuming every sound she made.
With one final tought of her sister, she fell unconsious.


She awoke with a jerk, opening her eyes only to be met with a dark room and what seemed to be a moss covered wall with her things hung on it. She tried to move but feeling around, her whole body was strapped to the surface she was laid onto.

Lizzie could hear the low rumble of something. I mean, this room was the size of her living room, this couldn't be a bus. Wait, was I kidnapped by the Russians? She quipped to herself.

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