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Lizzie freezed, something about that voice seemed so awfuly familiar. She turned around, and instead of seeing someone she had met ages ago on a mission in a galaxy far, far away once, she was met with a blonde in a modified Kree Starforce suit. Almost as if a switch flipped in her mind, she recognized the woman standing in front of her. She hadn't changed much since 1981, except the fact she had powers now, but honestly? So did she.

The chestnut eyes that mirrored her own. The hair, albeit changed, still that same shade of blonde as hers. The body language Lizzie could read like a book, that, right now, was trying to present as brave and fearless, but she knew better, she was scared. She felt her eyes pricking, a small, almost invisible smile spread across her face as she looked at her.

Meanwhile, Carol analysed the woman infront of her. Because of the Skrull device she frequently used, the slightest bit of mist that clouded this woman spread apart. Now, she herself was stopping herself from crying, aside from Maria and Monica, she didn't have anyone after she came back to her senses. Monica went through her stuff with her the first time she came back, when the Kree were hot on her trail and Talos needed her help.

She recalled seeing a picture, two blondes, one of those being her, giving the other a piggyback ride, the other blonde loooking into the camera with a small smile, holding up a peace sign. The memories came flooding back, one in particular standing out like a lighthouse in a storm.

It was a warm, summer afternoon, a year before Lizzie would suddenly dissapear, as the two girls finally sat down on top of Snake Hill, the ground slightly shaking as the train passed on the bottom of the hill. "So, how'd the exam with Mr. Smith go?" Lizzie grinned smugly, she was on summer vacation while her older twin sister failed geography miserably. Carol groaned, shoving the chuckling girl by the shoulder, "Shut up! It went well, thanks for asking." 

Lizzie calmed down, still relentlessly teasing her sister, "Ah, so you passed?", she said as she leant into her sister's personal space, "Where's my thank you, Susan?". Carol answered by shoving her face an arm's lenght away, "Shove off, you nerd." Lizzie laughed, "Just remember you're related to this nerd.", she said, pointing to herself, Carol rolling her eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, watching cars pass by on the road underneath, Carol muttered. "Thanks." Lizzie snapped her head over, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that?" she mocked her, putting her finger behind her ear for emphasis, "I said thanks, Louise." Lizzie put her hand on her chest, dramatically throwing herself back onto the grass. "This just in, Carol Susan Jane Danvers just said thank you. Back to you, Debborah." Carol snickered, smacking her thigh. Lizzie hissed, "You know what, you little shit?", before tickle-attacking Carol.

"G-Goddamnit, stop! I'm gonna pee my pants!" Carol shrieked as her sister attacked her vigorously, giggling nonetheless. Lizzie stopped, "Ew, no, not again." Carol scrunched her nose, "I was four." Lizzie argued back, "Didn't give you a reason to piss on me." Carol suddenly turned away, ignoring Lizzie.

"Aw, really? A cold shoulder?" Carol didn't do nothing. "Fine, when I move away for college, you'll miss me." She turned slightly too, seeing Carol relax a bit. The rest of the evening was spent on the hill, maybe a couple of tries from Lizzie to climb on the train, that ended with Carol pulling her back because she would have killed herself otherwise.

Snapping back to the future, Carol looked at the woman standing behind the redhead, a bearded man coming from the door a few meters behind the other blonde. "Nat, Bruce, Tony needs you guys for something." Suddenly, another man came from seemingly nowhere, placing a hand on Lizzie's shoulder, "Dude, that's fucking Captain America." Carol heard her whisper, the fact Lizzie was still a Cap fan made her smile.

The man next to Lizzie spoke, "Your- uh, your child is awake." Lizzie deadpanned at him, "Thor, I took him in, he's your niece, you himbo.", Thor went into the kitchen, a confused expression on his face, "Alright, I'll be up there in a few. Rhodes, can we have a minute alone?" She said, gesturing at the red, yellow and blue dressed blonde. Rhodey nodded, going away, not before adding a "Why do you know what a himbo is?"

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