chapter two

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Lizzie woke up, the pounding in her head a bit lighter, but still relevant. Looking at the window to her right, she saw the sun of Hala rising, it was beautiful. It reminded her of times she'd get up earlier as a kid just to get those first rays of sun as soon as it arose from behind the horizont. A ship passed infront of it, the trail from the ship disgustingly gray. How'd that pass the engine test? Lizzie grimaced, her body shuddering at the thought of breathing in that air.

She got up, picking up her boots and leather jacket. The jacket was a simple one, gifted to her by Yondu on her 17th birthday. After she willingly left the Ravagers, she took off the insignia, as she replaced the logo with a metal pin that resembled the letter I, as a reference to Icarus.

 She didn't know why she picked Icarus as her name, it just sounded right at the moment. She wiped off any dust that gathered on the jacket before she shrugged it on, the red leather clashing with her blonde hair. Speaking of the hair, she put it up into a ponytail, because she hated having her hair in her face, so her hair was usually in braids or ponytails. As she put her boots on, she heard a dull knock on the metalic door of the room. "Come in." She announced, before muttering a string of curses under her breath, as her boot didn't want to fit.

Sounds of comabt boots thudding on the ground, slowly making their way towards her filled her ears. Quickly looking up, she sighed, patting her laces, as she finally got the left boot on and tied up. She looked up, seeing a familiar face infront of her. "Oh, hey Dar-Benn. Wassup?" Dar-Benn's features scrunched in confusion, "Wassup? What's that?" Lizzie got up, stretching her shoulders. "It's a quick way of saying 'What's up'. You don't say that here?"

"I- We do, of course. It was just weird at first..." The warrior trailed off, as Lizzie laughed, patting her shoulder, "Don't worry, it's not that big of a deal." Holstering her blasters and feeling the crystal in her pocket, Lizzie exited, Dar-Benn following suit. "So, how's Achilles?" Dar-Benn coughed to clear her throath, "Pretty good, they think they may get it going in the next day or two."

Lizzie turned around and stopped, Dar-Benn did not see that coming so she quite literally bumped into her. Lizzie's eyes were so wide you'd mistake them for saucers, a smile steadily spreading on her lips. "Days?" The alien backed up a foot, "Yeah, they lowered it to that." Lizzie smiled from ear to ear, shaking Dar-Benn's hand firmly, "Thank you so, so, so, so much. I gotta go now, catch you later?"

Without giving the other woman any time to articulate the question and form an answer, she activated her mask and boots, blasting off in search of the shop. Dar-Benn, taken aback, simply stood there, confused once again.

"...catch you later, then?"


After nearly getting hit by a ship being steered maniacaly by a Kree soldier and some woman, and a few hit-in's with the local ships, Lizzie finally found the shop. She landed with a thud, the doors jingling after she opened them. She could hear scrambling and mumbling behind the counter, so she decided to cough. To get their attention.

A faint thud and an 'ow!' could be heard, before a black haired man popped his head up. "Hi! I'm Wann-Ker, how can I help you?" Lizzie smiled at him, "Hi. So, I need to get myself a lightsaber?" After getting a questioning look from the man, she sighed, mumbling to herself, "Jeez, idiot, of course they wouldn't know what a lightsaber is." So she broke the weapon down in oversimplified terms, "Okay so basically the energy from this crystal needs to make a blade that can cut through metal. Or something like that, it wasn't really specified."

The man nodded, fiddling around with a screwdriver, "Yeah, I understand what you mean. That's gonna be done in about 2 days. And 20 units please."

She gave the man the crystal, and his 20 units, said goodbye and flew back to the hospital. Or well, the headquaters. The hospital was just there. Entering her "room", she heard people rushing outside. Popping her head out, she was met with a man she didn't know. "Dar-Benn sent me, we have a patient, I already gave her my blood, but we need Terran blood to save her."

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