Chapter 7: Official Day One

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I wake up to frantic shouts of my name, sitting up straight away.

"Where's the fire?" I say in a dazed panic. As I try to get my bearings and narrow my blurry eyes on a figure shaped like Mandy gesturing wildly in front of me, I look at the empty bed on the opposite side of the room. Why is Mandy waking me up and where's my roommate? Yawning, I'm not hearing a word Mandy says until "we are going to be late" drops from her mouth. I then look at the clock on my nightstand.

"Shit! I slept in," I scream as I fling myself off the bed and dash around the room, collecting clothes and toiletries along the way.

"That's why I've been trying to wake you! You sleep like a bear in magical hibernation!" my pixie friend exclaims. Not bothered by the accurate metaphor, I rush past her and into the bathroom. After freshening up in record time, I come out to the sight of Mandy holding out a breakfast bar.

"Figured you didn't eat when you weren't up to go to the dining hall with me this morning," Mandy says with a shrug. Grabbing the bar, I kiss her on the cheek, effectively stunning her for a second, and fly through the door with her hot on my heels. As we make a run for it, I check my tech pad with the map on it and see that we are running to the "Intro to Supernatural Laws and Customs" class.

"You have got to be kidding me. Legal jargon at eight in the morning?" I angrily mutter under my breath. Mandy chuckles behind me. She seems like a morning person.

Skidding around the corner near the classroom door, I run in without thinking. I collide into some dwarfs who were chatting just inside the classroom, sending one of them flying into a grizzly sized man. The grizzly man then staggers backward from the velocity, knocking into a desk and scattering pens and papers across the floor. If that wasn't bad enough, the sudden noise from the mayhem made another student at the door yelp and spill his coffee all over himself and the man entering the classroom, a man with familiar fiery brown and gold eyes that find mine in a second.

"Seats. Now." Laurence bellows out.

Everybody, including me, scramble to get into our seats. Mandy and I had the same idea and chose to sit in the back. She's probably getting the same murderous vibes from the wolf heir as I am. As Laurence walks to the front of the class with his bag while wringing out his coffee stained shirt, everybody remains quiet. Not a sound can be heard. A few minutes later, a clap from Laurence signals the beginning of class.

"My name is Laurence Ember. I'm a teaching assistant here at Darwurth, and I'll be ruling over this class. And yes, I mean ruling because I will not tolerate disorder." The wolf heir glances my way for a hot second as he says that last bit. "Laws and Customs is an important concept to grasp if you want to live and work in the supernatural world. Knowing laws will keep you on the straight and narrow. Knowing customs will keep you from death. Heed the teachings in this class, and maybe you'll make it. We will start with laws."

Class passes as Laurence goes over a lot of very technical laws. Thou shalt not enter orc territory without consent from the head of this organization and the head of that committee. Thou shalt not pick up some legendary orb in the demon lands or this bad thing could happen or it might not. We go over laws about everything, from the way one scratches themselves in some region to the protocol of succession in extinct species. At one point I zoned out.

I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know I'm being woken up by a book smacking into my head. Moving my hand over the emerging bump, I look around to find the offending object rather than the being as I have a good idea who the being is. I was apparently hit with a book titled "Law and Order."

"Now that everyone has a copy, please read the first three chapters by tomorrow morning. Class is dismissed. Alaina, stay back a minute. I need you to speak to you," Laurence voice carries out. Oh boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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