Chapter 1: Tall Tales Tavern

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I need to stop using stairs.

That's the last thought that went through my head as I tripped on the tavern steps and flew headfirst through the door. A chorus of crashes and curses meet my ears. I'm able to right myself before I faceplant and look to the chaos ensuing on the left. Shattled beer bottles, a broken table, heated glares, and a brawl with the town drunk and a tourist greet my eyes. I let out a sigh at my handiwork.

"You certainly know how to make an entrance, Alex," the man behind the bar laughs out. Ducking a flying chair from the impromptu brawl, I grin and make my way to the bar. Good ole Jeff, my kind of adopted dad. He's a handsome enough guy, with light shaggy brown hair and a smile that can charm anyone. Everyone knows he's married to Martha though, except for the tourists. His smile earns him at least ten more shines each night, lucky duck. He also is the owner of Tall Tales Tavern, the very one I just headbutted my way into.

"Of course, a girl has to make an impression somehow," I shoot back with a wry smile, swinging my legs over a bar stool and taking a seat. Jeff slides me my usual beer and I take a good swallow before asking the age old question between us . "So how many hours do I owe you?"

"Counting the several broken glasses from last night's shift, some new door hinges for your smashing entrance tonight, and the broken table and chair over there." I spy the table he's looking at as well as the chair on the other side of the room.

"In all fairness, the table and chair were broken by the brawl," I interrupt, raising my shoulders in a shrug.

"Which you caused by using your head to open a door." Jeff gives me a pointed look, and I hang my head. He sighs, "It's fine. I know you're good for it. My wife will need someone to man the book store this weekend if you're up for it?"

"Of course!" I say, excited to work at the bookstore again. I always try to help Jeff and Martha out when I can. They helped raise me after the orphanage gave up on me at age 14, and I live in the loft of their barn. It's not glamorous, but anything beats the streets. I consider them family even though we aren't related.

I apparently showed up in a basket at the town orphanage 20 years ago and nobody has a clue as to where I'm from or who my parents are. That's never really bothered me, but I am mad at whichever parent gave me my clumsiness. I swear chaos swirls around my feet.

After downing the rest of my beer, I go behind the bar to pick up a rag and start cleaning tables. I'm wiping a table down, chatting up the patrons, when two impeccably dressed giants walk in. Sounds like a joke right? Two giants walk into a bar... but it's not. They are literal giants. Over seven feet tall with muscles the size of watermelons and skin tinted green, they are a force to be reckoned with. I also know that they aren't citizens of this town. I know most everyone around here and other than some woodland pixies, it's mainly a human population.

Giant number one sits down at a table nearby, glowering at everybody, including and especially me. Why is he staring so much? The general vibe of the guy kind of creeps me out. I continue cleaning like it doesn't bother me, trying to move out of his view as discreetly as possible. I watch giant number two approach the bar with a purposeful gait and soft features on his face. He is the direct opposite of his buddy, trading in kind features for creepy dude's scowling ones. The kind giant towers over Jeff by a good foot and a half. Jeff is by no means a small man but he is tiny compared to the giant.

Moving my cleaning spree closer to the bar counter, still out of view of the creepy giant, I listen in. When I hear a rumbling voice say, "...looking for a human girl. Brown hair, average height, white eyes. Around 20 years old," my heart stops. That sounds like me, but what did I do? I know I have accidentally set fires, caused a flood (another story for another time), run off livestock, tackled important political figures, ripped off my teacher's wig, and have had more than my share of breaking things, but... okay, so I did and do lots of bad things. Still, why are supernaturals looking for me?

If they had stopped at the human girl, brown hair, and average height description, I wouldn't be worried. Even if they also said 20 years old. White eyes though, I'm the only one around here with that. I was born with gray eyes that turned white later on, an instance that made most townsfolk scared of me as it wasn't accompanied with blindness. Occasionally I still get a wary glance from the older folks, but mostly everyone is cool with it now. It's the rest of me they don't like. The doctors call it an advanced form of leukocoria. Nothing deadly, but a rare oddity nonetheless.

"I don't think there's anyone in this town like that. I could keep my eye out if you make it worth my while. What do you want with the girl?" Jeff says as he nonchalantly cleans a glass behind the counter. Jeff thankfully didn't give me away, but I could see by the way his jaw tensed as he spoke that he knew it's me the giant was talking about.

"She stands to inherit some things and we were tasked with finding her. Reward for 40 shines if you help us identify her. Please let us know if you come across anyone matching the description." The giant looks over near my hiding spot and I hold my breath. After a few seconds, his attention is back on Jeff. "We will be at the town inn for a few days if you need to find us. For now, I'll take two glasses of whatever's most popular on tap."

Jeff pours the giant some beers and the giant goes to sit with his buddy. Thinking over the conversation, my mind slides to sarcasm. Inheritance? For me? I didn't think I had parents who cared. So sweet.

I slip behind the bar and sidle up to Jeff, grabbing a glass to fake clean. "Bunch of bullshit if you ask me. I promise I didn't set anyone outside of this town on fire or commit any other bodily harm," I say to Jeff in a whisper.

Even in a strained situation, Jeff can't help a small laugh. "I know. Forty shines though is quite a bit to just be gettin' help to look for you. This has to be about something bigger, something serious." Placing his glass down, he signals to meet him in his office. Jeff then walks out from the bar and up to old man Hubert, who is one of his bartenders. After probably telling old man Hubert to man the bar, Jeff saunters around and makes chit chat with the surrounding tables. Meanwhile, I mosey on down to the office door, cleaning all the while and shelving liquor. After closing the office door behind me, I go to slump in Jeff's big worn fancy chair. The comfiness is not lost on me as I take a few deep breaths to relax. A few minutes later, Jeff comes rolling in, first all nonchalant, then with pure panic written in his features.

"What's wrong–"

"You have to go. Now." Jeff is pulling me up from the chair and pushing me to the cabinet behind his desk with a window above. "Pack your bags and leave the loft. Take my horse and just go as far as you can. Head down, sunglasses on." Jeff thrusts a pair of sunglasses he had laying around into my hand.

"But Jeff, I can't leave you and Martha and..." My words trail off as pain lances through my heart. What is happening to my life right now? Just yesterday I was playing cards with old man Hubert and his grandson. I can't leave this town. It's all I've ever known.

Jeff looks at me with tears in his eyes. I've never seen him cry before. "Please. The giants know you're here. They are going to hurt you, sweet girl. And I could never live with myself if I let that happen. Go now."

I didn't think the giant with the kind features would want to kill me. That didn't fit. The creepy giant however... I look at Jeff's pleading eyes and know I have to leave. If I stayed, people could get here in their search for me. If I gave myself up, Jeff would put up a fight for me and get himself hurt or worse. I don't want to leave, but I have to.

With a final hug and my last memory of him bearing a tear stricken face, I climb the cabinet and sling myself over the window ledge.

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