Chapter 3: The Academy

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A silence stretches out as my body slumps on the ground, pumping with adrenaline. I don't have any snarky response to give at the moment, which is concerning. However, this was as close to dying as I've ever been. Annom comes over and kneels at my side, muttering curses at the scene around us. He gently scoops me up and takes me away from the blood bath. I allow him this as I don't think I could have walked myself.

I am about to speak up for Junior when Annom lets out a whistle. Junior comes trotting up to us and Annom grabs his reins. I'd be mad at how cozy this horse is to a stranger he's known for all of 15 minutes vs me he's known for years, but I'm just glad he came back after all the fighting. He really is a good horse. Tears gather in my eyes but do not fall thankfully.

We walk for what seems like hours before we come out into a beautiful meadow, the sun halfway to its peak. A valley of flowers spread out in front of me. The array of colors give the air a sort of tranquility. Mountains are the backdrop, and I feel like I'm in a movie. It's gorgeous and that fact slowly brings me to my senses.

"You can let me down now," I say in a soft voice. Annom looks me in my eyes with an assessing gaze. I guess he finds whatever he is looking for as he nods and sets me down.

"You were very brave back there," he says in his low rumbley way. I nod and walk around the meadow, letting my fingertips trail the petals of the flowers around me. A blissful end to a chaotic chase. I sit down in a small patch of greenery and revel in the sun shining down on me. Eventually though, reality comes knocking.

"We need to go now," Annom says, coming up to me and blocking the sun from my view.

Squinting up at him, I give him a mock glare. "And where do we need to go right this second?"

"To Darwurth. I still need to take you there. I don't know why Aro did what he did as you are not a threat. Not to mention, the blue ogre mercenaries were in on this. I don't like it, and I want to get you to safety," he responds.

I get that he cares enough to want to ensure my safety, but even the kindness of his face doesn't excuse him from still being a stranger to me. Also, school isn't my thing. I don't take my eyes off of him but do formulate a plan to run to Junior. He must see something in my gaze as his face hardens and he begins to speak. Before any words are uttered though, I'm up and running to Junior., determined to keep moving forward. I don't make it far though as rough hands pick me up and sling me onto a massive shoulder.

"You are definitely Marcus' kid alright," the giant grumbles as he carries me.

"Them be big fighting words Annom. I don't even know the man. Let me down! I don't even like school. Why would I go to an academy? Can't I just get a private tutor or something since I inherited so much wealth?" I say, struggling against his hold.

"No," Annom says simply. He reaches into a pouch on his side and lifts a hand of purple powder. With a flourish, he flings it into the air and a purple fog descends in the space in front of us. After a second, it dissipates and a great inky darkness appears in front of me, revealing a scene in a different world to me, the academy I'm guessing. I'm gobsmacked at the sight. That is until he throws me into it.


Peace like nothing I've ever felt before fills my being. All around me are twinkling lights floating around like little stars, their movement like the delicate dance of the fireflies in the summers back in town. Heat and cold radiate off of them in intervals. Is this what portalling feels like? If it is, sign me up; I'll take the purple powder. I know they say drugs are bad but...

My train of thought vanishes as I'm assaulted with bright light and hard ground. It takes a minute but my vision reorients itself. My eyes are met with the biggest building I've ever seen. It's more like a castle really. It screams opulence, from golden gothic spires piercing the skies to intricately carved white stone, shimmering with golden accents. Its front door is even gilded in gold with white pine as its base. The door knocker resembles three hooded women holding a big ring, the fates I assume. I'm gaping at the structure as Annom comes up behind me and chuckles.

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