Chapter 30

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Roughly 16 Years Ago

There was an almost joyful and childish skip to Alfreda's walk to the great hall, where her piano lesson would be held; it was the first official one. Though Alfreda was not too interested in learning the piano, she was looking forward to the time spent with her father. King Casimir was always so busy with his royal duties that having more time with him was a luxury. On the other hand, her mother only ever spent time with her for training sessions, though Alfreda had heard that Queen Henrietta did spend time with Osmond, playing chess occasionally, which she never did with her other children.

No matter, thought Alfreda. I do not need or want her. Father was always the nicer company anyway.

When Alfreda approached the great hall with her new piano books, she paused, the childish giddiness from before fading as she heard voices from inside. One was her father, King Casimir, and the other was her older brother, Osmond. She carefully opened the door slightly ajar to peek through.

Casimir was sitting at the piano, his gloved hands on the keys, softly playing a simple melody.

Meanwhile, Osmond stood a metre away.

"I know everything!" Osmond spat. "I know that you're not the real King Casimir!"

Casimir remained unfazed by such an accusation, concentrating on the piano sheets before him. "Is that so?" he finally said, sighing slightly. I suppose it was your mother who told you? Or did you work it out for yourself?"

Alfreda froze, her breath catching in her throat. Was what Osmond said true? What did he mean that father was not the real king Casimir? Was that man not her father? What had happened to him?

"Mother told me," answered Osmond. At first he had flinched, perhaps surprised that Casimir admitted it, then Osmond kept his head held high, regaining his confidence. "She told me all about what you did!"

"Did she now?" The 'fake' Casimir sighed once again. "I thought that she care for you, for your safety, and yet she told you. Does Henrietta know that you are here to confront me?"

Osmond shook his head.

"Well, I am glad that she is not so foolish to send you to deal with me," Casimir chuckled.

"Don't you laugh at me!" Osmond drew his sheathed sword and pointed the blade at Casimir's throat. "I will take your life and take the throne! I am the rightful king!"

"Oh go on then," said the fake king so calmly that it sent shivers down Alfreda's spine. Did her father, if that was her father, want to die so badly or was simply that so confident?

Osmond kept his sword at the pretender's throat, his hand shaking and hesitating. "I will!"

King Casimir turned and stared directly at Osmond. "Do it then."

There was a moment of pause and Osmond was still frozen.

Was he under a paralysis spell? Alfreda wondered, but that theory was soon dismissed.

Casimir turned away, sighing. "I am surprised, Os."

"Don't you dare call me that!" Osmond snapped. "You don't get to call me that! You're not my actual father! You killed him and pretended to be him! And I will take my revenge!"

"No, you won't," said the usurper, continuing his focus on the piano playing. "Well... I believe that there is some part of you that is willing to kill me, you do have Henrietta and Casimir's blood in you. They are both warmongers and took so many lives for their bloodlust and power." The fake Casimir turned back to Osmond. "Tell me, Os-"

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