Chapter 22

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Day: 3186

Days Left: 2294

Lives Saved: 17

It was clear that the man was nervous. Everyone at the table could see it, feel it, sense it. Corinna herself wasn't particularly nervous, rather cautious, the doubt still in there that this man was lying about who he was. If he was, it was such an elaborate lie, especially with how much was written in that notebook. Corinna didn't know why there was still so much doubt with the small details and all the information on his- or rather their family tree and memories. Maybe it was because of the laudatory mentions of her in his memories, how prominent she was, that made her question the validity of it all. Could second cousins be as close as siblings? That was strange, wasn't it? Though in his notebook, and from what Rin and Calixte had told Corinna about what memories she talked about before the curse took hold, the Warren-Earl-Best family was not exactly normal. Henry Best had written in the notebook explaining that the whole family of multiple generations lived in one large housing complex dating back to the past, serving the royal family. Maybe in that situation, being friends with your second cousin wasn't so absurd. But then again, anyone could claim to be someone's second cousin, no matter what they looked like. They could easily explain the thin shared blood for the lack of shared appearance. And Corinna and Henry didn't really look that much alike, of course.

Corinna was blonde, Henry brunette.

Corinna had hundreds of freckles, Henry had none.

Corinna was short, Henry was fairly tall.

Corinna had brown eyes... Henry also had brown eyes but they were of a darker shade.

His features were more sharper, wider, whereas Corinna's were rounder and smoother.

And... and Corinna could keep on comparing their appearance forever, not that it would make any difference. The probability was, with all of the evidence, that this man, Henry Best, was actually her relative. But somewhere deep down, Corinna actually hoped he wasn't. Why? Wouldn't anyone love to have someone they had loved and cared for down here with them? Surely she should feel grateful, thankful, happy that he was here.

But he was a stranger, as he was to her without their memories. He was part of a past that Corinna lost and after all this time in the Abyss, she had started to not want anything to do with that past. She had rejected reading Salim's copy of her memories, and listening to everyone else when they brought up something that she had said before the curse took full hold. The Eternal Abyss was a fresh start for everyone whether they like it or not. Corinna had changed so much from the start of her prison sentence. When she had read that notebook of Henry's, how he had perceived her before the Abyss, how she used to be... she was no longer that person, not fully, there were still parts of her that remained but she was no longer that naïve young girl. She wouldn't have survived if she had remained that person.

If Henry was expecting the girl in the notebook, then he would be disappointed. He would not want to be family.

This dinner was more out of curiosity and a test, to find out more about her second cousin and maybe Corinna would decide afterwards if she would let him get any closer. Maybe it would be best to keep him at a distance even if that was cruel after how long he had been searching for, but it would spare him from the reality.

Henry attempted to compliment the food, at first he was going great, the right amount of politeness but casual, until he fumbled as he remembered that Corinna had not cooked it and was actually takeaway from the food hall.

"You wouldn't be complimenting it if Corinna was the one who had cooked it," said Lili.

Corinna scowled at her, her frown wavering as she noted the small smirk on Lili's lips from teasing.

Welfare and WarfareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora