Chapter 11

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Day: 3127

Days Left: 2353

Lives Saved: 17

They both stared at each other. The silence lingered, waiting and suffocating. Sometimes, Kai would imagine hearing those words, the announcements that he was now free or that someone he knew was to be released; sometimes, it was in hope, and sometimes, it was more selfish envy, praying that it might not happen, and he would curse himself for thinking it. And that was what he felt right now, and so much more. There were so many conflicting feelings and thoughts that it all muffled into a deafening silence, his body unable to move, struggling to breathe.

Dex, stunned for a moment, finally reached around and felt the brand on the back of his neck; of course, he could not feel the shining light coming from it; he had to out of curiosity. He stumbled onto his feet, hobbling with his walking aid over to the nearest reflective surface, gazing at the light emitting from his nape. "It's..." he managed to sputter out. "That's..." Dex looked to Kai, the biggest smile on his face. "I'm..."

Kai could not respond. All he could do was stare at the light, his mind recalling the announcement on a never-ending loop.

"Fuck..." Dex breathed out, shaking his head, unable to contain his smile like it would reach his ears. "I'm free..." He clasped his mouth, almost laughing and perhaps crying as his eyes watered.

Smile, Kai thought, try to smile. Yet he could not. Smile, be happy for him, you should be happy for him, you are happy for him, but it's just-

Dex pulled Kai into a hug, and Kai felt him shaking, breathing so heavily from the news. "I'm finally going home," Dex sniffed, his hold on Kai tightening.

Kai bit down on his bottom lip, his mask of indifference breaking briefly whilst Dex couldn't see him. His hand, quivering, gripped Dex's shirt tightly, grabbing the fabric in a balled fist, anything to not show how he truly felt at this moment. Because this was supposed to be a happy moment.

The door opened, and in came a group of cheering people, of friends who had also heard the announcement and came running over to congratulate Dex in person.

Dex let go of Kai and went over to the others, receiving more hugs, handshakes and pats on the back. Kai watched on, trying to force himself to be involved with the celebration, plaster a smile across his face and jump for joy like the others. But all he could do was stand there.


"Dexter Mathews!" a voice called out, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere, booming across the Eternal Abyss. "Congratulations, your sentence is over. You are free!"

Henry snapped his eyes to The Warren. Everyone did.

There was a moment of pause before the entire refugee camp burst into cheers and applause, some crying, others collapsing onto their knees in prayer, muttering thanks and reciting scripture, thanking the Architect and the Gardener.

Henry wondered who this Dex person was, how one man could be so beloved to cause such a reaction if he was one of the founders and was worshipped, and then Henry thought perhaps everyone was just happy that someone was getting released. And then Henry realised the real reason and how stupid he had been. They were all cheering because a new spot to live in The Warren had opened.

Nia hugged Henry in excitement. "Did you hear that? I think someone from The Warren is being released! You could take his place!"

Day: 3128

Dex had asked for his release to be delayed, allowing him ample time to say proper farewells to his friends. Most prisoners of the Eternal Abyss would not hesitate to leave immediately; however, Dex and everyone else living in The Warren were more fortunate than most, having the luxury of safety, and there was little to no risk of waiting a day or so to leave.

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