Chapter 21

50 7 0

Day: 3186

Days Left: 2294

Lives Saved: 17

With the tour finished and the new citizen, Henry, settling into his new home, Kai headed outside into the streets of The Warren, the crowds all heading to get their dinner at the food hall or to go home after work. It had been a long shift what with both the blood moon rolling patrols and followed by the quick induction and all he wanted was to rest, however Kai still had some odds and ends to sort out. First, he finished filing all of the necessary paperwork in Henry's release from the containment cell and his induction to The Warren, the man would still be on a probation period until being granted full citizenship. One wrong move in this period and Henry would be immediately cast out, no second chances until he had earned it, not that Kai was worried about that since Henry seemed quite alike to his second cousin Corinna in doing everything by the book. After signing the paperwork, Kai signed off at the barracks, giving short notes to the next supervising officer, before grabbing some takeaway from the food hall.

Usually, Kai would eat in to be able to see his friends, or eat at Dex's, but after Dex had been released, Kai found himself more often eating alone in his house, no social event tied to the necessity. But that was fine because it meant he would get more sleep, theoretically. However, Kai would just lay in bed, unable to rest for hours, no matter how hard he tried. These everyday things such as sleeping and eating seemed more like a chore, a struggle to the point where Kai would not bother to do them at all, or postpone them until later. But it would all be fine. Here in the Eternal Abyss, you didn't need as much sleep or food. He could get away with missing a few days of rest and food here and there. It was okay. Everything was okay.

With takeaway in hand, Kai headed home, his apartment building on the bottom floor, situated near Dex's place- or rather Henry's place. He glanced over, out of habit as he would often look to see if Dex was in and invite himself over to eat, but instead through the drawn curtains, he saw the new and unfamiliar silhouettes of Henry and Nia, moving around the room and he could hear the muffle of conversation and drawers being opened and closed; unpacking he assumed. Not wanting to seem creepy, Kai forced himself to look away, hoping that that habit would break, though it had been almost two months since Dex had been released. Sometimes, when he looked, Kai imagined that Dex was there, his tall and broad silhouette through the curtain.

Kai reached for his house key in his coat pocket, but his fingers fumbled and dropped it to the ground. Lightly cursing, Kai bent down to retrieve them when he heard something scuttle nearby. He jolted up, looking around as he caught sight of a creature stationary at the corner of the street; it was a black dog, a hound perhaps but it was no larger than a puppy.

Being a guard, Kai had records of all of the residents of the Warren and who had permits to use their mask forms outside of blood moons or their work; he never heard of anyone having a mask like this, and he would usually be informed if anyone had a new mask. When he thought about, he could not think of anyone having this monster form. Was it an actual dog imprisoned in the Abyss just like Reggie?

The street lamp nearby flickered, the candle light shaking violently until it was snuffed out and the black dog was shrouded and hidden in the darkness.

"Excuse me!" Kai called out. "Are you able to show me your ID, please!"

The small hound appeared to stay still and unresponsive.

"I'm a guard," Kai attempted to sound authoritative, but despite years of being an officer did not help. "I don't recognise your monster form. I need to see your ID and your permit."

Amongst the darkness, the silhouette of the black dog moved and Kai gave chase, following the hound as it turned a corner. As the dog ran through the empty streets, the candles in the street lamps snuffed out. Kai called after the creature, giving it one last try to surrender and identify itself, before Kai donned his mask, transforming into the stone archer. With practised ease, he drew back on his bow, an almost ethereal light in the shape of an arrow appearing as he aimed, about to let go as he turned a corner but froze.

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