Chapter 17: Tumhari sautan

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I took his hand and we ran to no place particular. I didn't know what place we should go to for a date but I knew I'll be happy with him wherever we go.

I feel bad that we had to leave the restaurant but I didn't want people to listen to our conversation. That's too coy of me, I know.

We got in the car.

I looked at him, suddenly we both started laughing. We laughed and laughed and laughed. There was no stopping it until we both were out of breath.

When we stopped laughing, he reached out to something in the back seat. He had a grin on his face as he opened a box.

Curiosity rose inside me, thinking what it could be he's smiling so much about.

I gasped when he showed me the thing inside. It was a pink and white set of bangles with pink jhumke that matched with my saree.

"How did you—" I began but didn't complete as I looked at the beautiful jewellery in front of me.

"Call it husband intuition" He smirked "I noticed you wore matching bangles and these ear thing, so I just figured I'd get you something other than flowers"

My eyes didn't leave the box. I removed the bangles in my hands and wore the ones he got me. I wasn't wearing any earrings so I wore the jhumke as well.

I couldn't stop admiring him and his efforts.

It's crazy how a person you never knew but hated because your father always praised him in front of you can become such a huge part of your life.

"I didn't get you anything" I confessed, guilty.

He took my hand "You're already enough for me"

I slowly raised my eyes and looked at him. There was no sign of insincerity in his eyes. He truly meant it.

"I still wish I had something to give you"

"Kaira!" He said softly, my name like music on his lips that I wanna hear again and again "Can I be honest with you?"

"Yes" I replied.

"I thought we wouldn't be you know....friendly. No that's not the right word. I never thought we'd be happy with each other. I saw you in that cafe and I immediately got a crush on you"

"What?" I laughed "You got a crush on me the day we met?"

Yes Kaira, let's pretend you didn't think he was the most handsome man you've ever met.

"I did" He said without hesitation "I've always loved people too fast for my own sake. I mean I fall in love really fast. And I lose them as quickly as I fall in love. It hasn't happened once but all the time. Call me Sameer from Dil Chahta Hai but that's just how I am"

He raised his hand to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and rested his hand on my cheek
"But with you it's different. It's like I want to take my time to fall in love with you. I'm too scared to risk it this time because I'd much rather lose myself than lose you"

My heart fluttered at his words.

"Take as much time as you need, Ishan" I told him "I'll be here whenever you do" I kept my hand over his.

He leaned forward and caught my lips with his, smiling into the kiss that woke the butterflies in my chest.

He moved his lips against mine in a perfect rhythm and pulled away too soon for my liking.

"To a lifetime" He whispered.


We drove to somewhere we could see the stars in this polluted city. We were infact no longer in Delhi when the stars were visible.

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