Entry 31

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"Dear Diary..."
"Slimey and I have found something...shocking today... We're taking this information to the council and trying to find out what really is going on and why are they too cryptic about the Elder Slime."










The first location the girls went to was the ancient lake of the Elders. Each Elder that had passed, had a statue of them in this very lake, their hands spilling water like a fountain. "Welcome to the ancient lake of the ELDERS!" Slimey showed off the lake with jazz hands. "I've heard this is where the Elder comes to recharge! Apparently, this water has amazing healing properties!" 

Unknown looks at the crystal-clear blue water, her eyes turn Orange with how fascinated she is with the water.

Slimey grinned "I'm sure we can find a hint here!" Slimey turned into a puddle and wandered around.

Unknown on the other hand kneels to the water. She felt the scar on her forehead, she had gotten this mystery scar one day after she woke up, her forehead was bloody and her family took her to the healers...

My family... Unknown shook her head and decided to try out this healing water. "Uhh whaaat are you doiiing" Slimey asked, Unknown ignored and scooped up some of the water and put it over her scar...

"Did it..work?" Unknown asked. Slimey held her breath "Whyyyyywouldyoudothaaatwhythatselderwater! . . . Also no-"

Unknown's white hopeful eyes turn blue "Oh.." Slimey goes over to her "Blue is sad right?.." Unknown nods. Smiley hugs her "Sorry Unknown, I guess I was wrong... Didn't mean to bring your hopes up" 

Unknown sighs "It's alright...I just thought maybe...I could get rid of it" She stood up "Let's keep looking".

Slimey and Unknown search for clues as to where the Elder could have gone. Nothing "Huh...well, next place!"

"Now usually no one arrives here without security, buuuut I have my ways~," Slimey said with pride as they arrived at a cave. Unknown's eyes turn grey "..What..is so special about a cave?" She asked. Slimey giggled "Just follow me if that book we read was right, then the cave where the stone was is this one! It's always covered with guards at the front entrance. Never knew why until now! Thank Celestials for the skylight, uh, do you mind using your magic to get us down?" 

Unknown shook her head "Not at all" Her horns grew blue as the two girls began to float down into the cave. "Woah.. this is so cool! Galaxtians have access to so much magic! How?".

They land.

"Our horns are the source of our magic...it's why so many wizards and scientists from the human kingdoms try to hunt us down." Unknown stated. "Ooh, gotcha!" Slimey tried to snap her fingers, resulting in slime going everywhere. Including Unknown's face "..Oh sorry, here let me just-" Slimey put her hands on Unknown's cheeks, causing more slime to get on her "Oh, no that's even worse uh-" 

Unknown just used her magic to move Slimey and her slime to the side "..That works too-" Slimey cleared her throat "Anyways! Let's look around for clues!".

Unknown's Diary..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin