Entry 4..

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"He's gone. Jacob's gone. He left this world. I..." There were droplets of water on the page; the rest was unreadable






Unknown had been peacefully asleep when suddenly she felt her head being kissed. "Mm.." She woke up and looked up. She saw blue eyes glowing as they looked down on her. 

"Jacob? Why are you sad?" Unknown stirred in her small bed as she rubbed her eyes.

"You were supposed to be asleep, Unknown." Jacob whispered as he tried to get her to sleep again. Unknown only giggled, "Well, I'm awake now!" She smiled. Jacob didn't return it.

"Oh, Celestials, you just made this so much harder than it should be," Jacob muttered as he left her room. Unknown looked at him before getting out of bed and following him. "Make what harder?" She asked him. She got no reply back. "Jacob?" No reply. She kept following him until they reached an old tree shaped in an oval-like manner at the roots. 

"Unknown. Please stay here." Jacob kneels at his little sister's level. Unknown just looked confused. "But where are you going?" Unknown asked, her eyes slowly turning blue. Jacob sighs, "I can't live here anymore. I want to have a better life, sis...I'm leaving..."

Unknown's eyes turned dark blue as her expression changed "But, Fine, I'm going with you."
"No! You can't..not until I know it's safe..trust me...I'll be back for you, I promise." Jacob took out a potion bottle and threw it at the tree. A portal opened up.

On the other side, there was a concrete road and buildings. Jacob began to walk to the portal

Unknown held his leg "NO! Don't leave me, please!" She begged, her voice cracking. She was holding back tears. Jacob froze for a second before using his magic. His horns gleamed blue, and Unknown now floated in the air. Her eyes are full of tears. Jacob sets her down and hugs her. "Te amo parum soror." He said this before letting go. Unknown's little hands slipped off his shirt. 

Jacob went to the portal and passed through it.

Unknown ran to him, only for the portal to close before she could make it through

"..Big brother?..." She waved her hands at the now-empty tree and said, "JACOB!" She cried out, her face now full of tears.






An edited note was made at the end of the entry; it read

"That was only a few days before I had my maturing year. He left me when I needed him the most. He never came back. I will never forgive him for this."

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