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I have this feeling inside me that tells me something bad is
going to happen, its been there since what happened to AB,
and what he said
“Be careful Andrea, your life is in danger.” The question is will he even wake up and come to take
revenge or not ?I still can't really understand why Dr. Alex asked me to help him?Especially with our past together?
My stomach starts to roar.. is it because I am hungry? or
because what I am thinking about?
Maybe I am just hungry.
I think we will have a movie night.. me and Brenda. Jason is
not home until 5 more days he have work outside the country..
I stand up from my bed, opened my room door and called for
Brenda so I can tell her about the movie night and check if she
is hungry...
"Brenda?" I call her, No answer I call her name again but no
answer I called her name again but still the same awkward
silence.I walk to her room , to the living room, dining room, the
backyard, the bathroom, my office and Jason's office.


Panic spread through my body like gunshots.
"Brenda? Where are you honey ?" I started to panic more.
where are you babe ?
The backdoor is opened. No.. its not opened, its broken as if someone broke into my house
"Shit- shit - shit" I look around me to see if she is around
"No-Nooo-No, Bee, where are you ? Honey where you? That's
not funny"
I ran to the door and look through the window checking if she
is out playing but the result is NOTHING !!!"No Brendaaaaaaa" I started crying, hot tears running down
my face
What if I can't find her?
What if someone took her ?
What if she's hurt ?
I will never forgive myself for that..
I went running back to the home looking everywhere, every
inch , not missing a place, calling her name, but no answer. I am
so pissed at myself for leaving her alone. She always asks for
my permission before going anywhere and I am sure she didn't
ask me To go anywhere what if—
My phone rings with a new message I look at my screen to
find out its an unknown number .. I put my phone in vibrationand put it in my back pocket and started calling my daughter's
name again as if with some miracle she will show up
"Brenda-aa where are you-u?"
Fear travels through my body like another gunshot.
My phone vibrates again I took it out of my pocket and see who
is the sender. Its the same unknown number I put the phone
back in my pocket, its not the best time to chat with someone
unknown unless....
I got the phone out of my pocket opened the text and read it
and ...
"No-no-no-Nooo, what th- " my legs hurt they are suddenly so
weak to hold me I can't stand anymore, before I can approach
the couch I fell in the floor and my phone fell from my hands,new tears are formed in my eyes. I can't see anything in front
of me. I can't think straight
Who ?
Where ?
I have to calm down, I took a deep breath, again and again
and again until I calmed down I told Myself to:
I have to stay cool for my daughter I have to think. I get my
phone from the floor and re-read the texts.
The first one says:


Hi Andrea!
Want to see your daughter again?The second text says:


Want your daughter back ?

What should I do now?
What should I do ?
What should I do ?
Do I call the police?
Without thinking again I open the phone app and tapped the
numbers 999.. I remove a tear that was in my chin, took a breath
and clicA message appears in front of me Distracting me from calling
the’s. Its from the same un-unknown number
If I was in your place I wouldn't have done that. Calling the
police isn’t the best idea
He is watching me ?!?
Shit what’s going on ?!!
I am freaking out
So first he kidnapped my daughter and now watching me ?
what will he do next?
I stand up looking around me checking if someone is
watching me but I find nothingMy phone vibrates again

Looking for me??

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