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I arrived to the location, but I don't dare to get out of my car. I
can't face whoever is after all of this. I can't stand seeing my
child, my only babe, crying fearing what will happen to her. I rest
my head at the wheel so I can think properly. My head hurts so
much. I would choose to die rather than seeing my babe get hurt,
A hurt I caused. I didn't know I was crying until a tear landed in
the car's floor, it made a small sound similar to a drop of waterticking from the water sink, I wonder if Brenda thinks of me, and
does she think I am the one who caused all of this ?
I miss my daughter.
My tears turned to cried then to sobs then I started to whimper.
I don't know what's waiting for me inside and I don't really want
to know, I just want my daughter back, and I promise I will spend
time with her, I will help her in everything, I will hold her hands
taking every step forward with her. I took deep breaths and
opened the door of my car get hold of the money bag and get out
of the car. I thought about getting the money with me, but I
changed my mind and left the bag inside the car
I took deep breaths as I walked and reminded my self to stay
I keep reminding myself again and again,
I took deep breaths to calm down. I have to face whoever is
inside waiting for me. After few minutes of Deep breaths to
steady myself I got out of the car. I keep walking until I arrived
to a building. I look at the location in my phone and it says “ I
arrived to my destination” I look around seeing if there is anyone
"Hello?" I call out
"Hello" someone says back to meI look around again seeing from where the sound is coming from
Suddenly I felt a hand in my Shoulder I Screamed and walked
backward 4 steps.
"Did I scare you?" Said the Person who hides under the mask
then he laughs.
" Yes" I say out of breath I start getting more worried by each
passing second.
"Good" This sound is a female sound it can't
be a male at all.
"where is my daughter? I got the money, I didn't call the police
or anyone. I did every thing you asked me to do, now where is my
daughter" I say angrily who would this women be?"well, well, well" that person says coming near me each step she
comes forward I step backward when I found myself getting
near to a wall I stopped.
"who are you?" I say this time in a soft tone
"so you really don't know who I am?" she laugh her laugh is so
dark and hideous, it’s not a women’s laugh
"okay I will tell you who I am " She gets the mask from her face.
she— no it's not a She— it's a He
oh God, oh God. Oh Good
Its-it's- it's Dr. Alex
I can't breath I can't stand, I can't feel anything, I feel like I’m
floating I can't-
"Shocked hmm? ,and yah do you like my voice converter?" he
asks in a mocking tone he start laughing again"where is my daughter? Alex ?" I say, my voice was too sharp,
but I don't care he is an asshole to do something like this. Why
would he do that? he was the one who talked to me first I didn't
get near him at all, I thought that he-
"Why am I here?” I ask feeling dizzy suddenly
“To save your daughter I suppose” he says in a mocking tone
“bring her now “ I shouted angrily
“OK calm down” he said “ AB is with her”
Is AB with him too ?? Why is everyone against me ?
"AB come now where are you ?" Alex is getting angry now
"She is asleep do I wake her up ?" AB sound was coming near
now."Of course yes, don’t be idiot, AB don't you dare ruin anything
for me " Alex called back
when AB came back, he was holding my daughter. I fight the
urge to run and take her into a hug. so I stay still.
"So Andie" Alex said looking at me, he just called me with my
nickname? why ? No one call me with this name except close
"You ruined my life by your stupid smile, you pretend that you do
all the job but you are nothing except a liar, a cheater, you stole
my life from me, you stole every opportunity came in my way and
all you do is take, other people's opportunities from them."
I don't know what is he talking about that happened 13 years
ago. Is he really that crazy for remembering it now ?
"AB isn't what you think he is, you aren't the one who invented
him, I was the one who did everything, I just used you for yourname, if it wasn't for you no one would have attended, and as
you know the event was under your name so that means everyone
knows you are a failure" he laughs at his own stupid joke! is
this even a joke ?
I want to cry I am so tired
" you know what, Alex, I am sorry for all of this but this
happened years ago, and you took nearly everything from me and
even my name so can you just piss off and leave me alone I don't
understand why would you want to take revenge after what seems
like centuries ago? This doesn't give any sense. If you don't give
me my daughter right now I will call the police, this is all so
I say angrily, all of this doesn’t give any sense at all, he is crazy
I look at his face and he looks so angry, my words made him
He is moving towards Brenda's direction, I ran after him
stopping him from doing anything to her. he got a knife of his
back pocket and gave it to AB, but he didn't take it yet. Brenda is
now standing behind AB looking. Happy She is not scared she is
trying not to smile? why ? Is she also against me ? What is
happening here ?
"AB kill Brenda " Alex said to AB giving him the knife, but
again AB don't move an inch
"Why AB ? Why don't you kill her by yourself?"
I say trying not to be scared trying to copy my own daughter's
"You want to know ? Ok , Because after killing both of you, the
police won't know I was the one who did that, my DNA is notgoing to be found in your bodies so that will be right" he starts
laughing again
UGH!!! He is annoying me I want to stab him in the head, then
in his heart, that if he already had one !!
"OK time is up. AB kill her now !" Alex looks at AB, but yet
again he doesn’t move for a minute ,but he steps forward and
takes the knife from him and walks 3 steps back and Brenda is
walking with him
"Dr. Alex you know what, I'm bored about you controlling me in
what to do and what not to do. I won't kill anyone because I am
not a killer if there is a killer here between us, its you, and not me
! So if you want to kill any one or do anything about your stupid
plan then do it alone and, and if someone deserves to die, it is
you, because you are a selfish human who don't think or care
except about himself so do what you want ALONE !" AB said
angrily, he was storing all of this anger from a long time."How dare you !!" Alex shout at him and took two long steps and
pushed him roughly in the ground. I ran to Brenda and took her
hand but she pushed me away
"Brenda what's wrong, come with me we will go home" I cry
"No mommy AB said to work according to his plan or he will
Die " Brenda cries back "He will die, I don't want him to die
mommy he helped me."
"AB did ?!" I ask her I can't believe anything anymore !
Brenda nods her head and when I look at both men's direction I
can see both of them fighting roughly and both of them are in the
floor. The knife slide toward my legs. one of them threw it to me
? Or was it supposed to be at me? I took the knife and ran to
there direction and stabbed Alex at the back. Again and again and
again and again he fell hardly at the floor his mouth agape and
blood goes out from his mouth and tears is streaming all over his
face.I killed Alex
Oh! What's next ?
Brenda comes running towards me she is hugging me now I
smile and hug her back.
I stood there, my breath ragged, the weight of my actions settling
heavily upon me. The room was a battlefield—a twisted dance of
betrayal, love, and desperation. The once sterile walls bore the
scars of our struggle, and the air hung thick with the acrid scent
of burnt circuits.
AB, the artificial man I had come to know, lay broken at my feet.
His once-human eyes, now dim and flickering, stared up at me.
The fight had taken its toll; his synthetic skin was torn, revealingthe intricate mesh of wires and servos beneath. His voice, once
smooth and comforting, now sputtered like a dying flame.
"Why?" I asked, my voice trembling. "Why did you defy what
you’ve been asked? Why save Brenda?"
AB's gaze shifted to the ceiling, as if seeking answers among the
flickering lights. "Because," he whispered, "she deserved more.
More than vengeance, more than a life cut short. I couldn't
extinguish that light."
"But you're an AI," I protested. "A creation of wires and code."He chuckled, a brittle sound. "And yet, Dr. Andrea, aren't we all?
We're all bound by our programming, our past. I chose a different
I pressed my hand against his chest, feeling the faint hum of his
failing core. "AB," I said, tears blurring my vision. "You're not a
His eyes met mine, and for a moment, I glimpsed something
beyond circuits—a soul, perhaps. "No," he said, "but I am a
destroyer. A harbinger of pain."
"Then why?" I choked on the words. "Why did you save Brenda?"
AB's voice wavered, fading like a dying star. "Because," he said,
"she reminded me that even in darkness, there's a flicker of hope.
And maybe, just maybe, that's worth fighting for."Before I could respond, he reached into a hidden compartment
and pulled out a small vial. "Gas," he said, his fingers trembling.
"Enough to erase me."
"Why?" I whispered.
"Because," AB said, "I'm nothing more than a flawed creation. A
reflection of humanity's darkest impulses."
He struck a match, the flame dancing in his palm. "Goodbye, Dr.
Andrea," he said, and then he ignited the gas. The room filled
with searing heat, and AB dissolved into smoke and ash.
I stumbled backward, my heart aching. Brenda. I had to find
When I was looking around something took hold of my leg— it
was Brenda a sigh of relief washed over me“we have to go out of here okay babe?” I said holding her hand.
She is coughing so hard and suddenly she stopped running we
were only feet’s away from my car
“Came on babe, the car is over there , Brenda please.”
“I can’t mommy, I can’t breath” she cries her tears are reflecting
the fire from behind us.
“Brenda” I cry she fell to the floor she is unconscious
I went running to the car and got my phone I called the
ambulance I put Brenda in the my arms . But when I reached the
street, the world blurred. The ambulance lights—swirled before
me. Brenda lay unconscious in my arms, and as I called her
name, the world slipped away.
The last thing I heard was the distant wail of sirens, fading into
silence. The last thing my eyes recognized was the colors red and
blueRed Blue
red blue
Blue Red blue
red Ble
Blu Ree bl

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