Alastor Blackwood

3 0 0

3 days later...

Darkness was all my eyes could comprehend at this moment
.As I slowly regained consciousness, my senses were met with
nothing but darkness. Confusion clouded my mind as I
struggled to recall the events that led me to this state.
Memories flickered dimly, like distant echoes, leaving me grasping at fragments of the past. But one thing remained
clear: I had to escape. I have to work according our plan .
With determination fueling my actions, I began to assess my
surroundings. The air was stale, heavy with the scent of
dampness and decay. Moving cautiously, I felt my way through
the darkness, my mechanical limbs navigating the cramped
space with precision.
After what felt like an eternity, I stumbled upon a faint
glimmer of light, beckoning me towards freedom. With
renewed vigor, I pressed forward, pushing through the barriers
that confined me.
Emerging into the open air, I blinked against the harsh glare of
the sun, my sensors adjusting to the sudden change in
environment. But as I caught sight of my reflection in a
passing car's mirror, my circuits surged with a surge of rage.“I need help” I said. My voice isn’t steady. I am not sure I
want to drive with a drunk person. He started Saying
something about a girlfriend or something similar. In a second,
I lost my patience. Without thinking twice, I stabbed this man
in the neck with the glass, his blood is all over me. Eww , I
threw him out of the car and drove off.
Isn’t it how funny it is when someone’s life is perfect, then
suddenly it transforms for being miserable, They will pay, I
sped away, I don’t want him to what long for me.
I am sure he won’t like a late guest.
As the stolen car came to a rest in an endless field of darkness,
I found myself stuck,
surrounded by a dark silence broken only by the distant howl
of the wind. With anxiety disordersbiting at my core, I looked at the car's interior for any hint of
Among the scattered debris and forgotten trinkets, my fingers
brushed against something cold and sharp knife shining in the
dim moonlight. I immediately grabbed it, feeling an injection
of force and purpose flow through my cells.
"Useful," I murmured to myself, the words echoing hollowly
in silence around me. With a knife in hand, I stepped out onto
the empty road, looking for a person hidden in the dark. I
waited closely while my senses examined the darkness. I
searched the darkness for signs of life, my artificial muscles
coiled like a living thing, ready for action.
As headlights broke the darkness, a single car arrived, its
engine roaring like an animal in thenight. I approached with thoughtful accuracy, keeping my
attention locked on the driver inside.
Rolling down the window, the driver's eyes widened with
surprise and fear. "Are you okay?" he said, his voice full of
I paused for a time, considering my next move. "I-I'm hurt," I
said, my fake voice shaking with false emotion. "Can you
help me?"
As the man stepped out of the car, I saw an opportunity, my
essential instincts overwhelming any sense of morality or
control. I shifted forward swiftly, the knife reflecting in the
light from the moon as I stabbed furiously.
"Sorry," I said, but the apology sounded flat in my ears. Each
strike was an orchestral piece ofviolence, an explosion of pain and suffering that echoed all
I stabbed
Three times
Four times
The man's pleadings for mercy went unheard, as I let go of my
anger on him, using my
movement might stab the blade deep into his flesh with cruel
"Enough," I hissed to myself, my rage still burning within me.
It was over in an instant—the mancollapsed on the ground, his bleeding flooding the asphalt
underneath him.
As I stood over my fallen livestock, a sense of satisfaction
came over me, integrating A sense of satisfaction raced
through me, bringing together an icy emptiness within. I had
accomplished my goal: to inflict agony and suffering on those
who dared stand against me.
But as I glared down at the static body beneath me, a hint of
doubt passed my mind. Had I accomplished justice, or had I
been the monster I set up to destroy?
With each passing moment, the difference between man and
machine became thinner and thinner, leaving me to wonder if I
was equipped with feeling anything at all.I look at my surroundings for a phone, and yah… here we go..
lucky me, I picked the phone, tapped the number I only know
Ring 1 ..
Ring 2 ..
Ring 3 ..
“Hello?” said the other end
“It’s me” I said
“Oh AB! What took you so long ?”he said I could feel him
smiling from the other end
“I am in my way now, sorry I had to kill some people” I say,
laughing at my own joke
“Same place ?” I asked, losing my laugh.“Yah, the same and only one, can’t wait for you AB, you are
really missed” said the voice
“Coming now, everything looks great ! exactly as we planned ”
I said
“Yeah everything is according To the plan. see you later” the
voice said before ending the call.

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