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Thack, Thack, Thack.

"Come in, " I said, not looking from my laptop for the person
who knocked on my office door.
"Dr. Andrea, this is a letter from Dr. Williams, He said it's an
important one, and you should deliver your answer right
away, " my assistant, Lily Bloom. Said, interrupting me from
my work.

What would Alex ask me for anything ??Why would he send me anything??

"Yes, sure dear, please leave it over here on my desk. I will
read it once I am done.”
I Try to keep my voice even and I
really succeed.
"Okay, sure I will leave you alone now, Excuse me" she left the paper in front of me and left me with the sound of my keyboarded tacking, Lily was younger then me, she has long
dark hair, light brown skin, and green eyes, she is totally the
opposite of me, I have a short light brown hair, blue eyes, and
light skin, I have known her for about 6 years now, she was 4 years younger then me in college.
I shut my laptop, I brought the letter so it could be in front of
me, To be honest I am kind of curious, what would Alex want
from me right now? and why is it urgent so he askes lily to tell
me he is waiting for my answer?I opened the envelop,
Why didn’t he send it to me through the Gmail?
I folded the paper carefully and started reading.
It says :

Dear Dr. Bell,
I trust you this letter finds you well with high spirit, I propose
creating an AI artificial human revolutionized health Care,
education, and environmental sustainability. Advantages
Include improved health care personalized education and addressing
environmental challenges. let's collaborate to make this invention a
Best Regards,
Alex Williams.

An Artificial Human?
Why would he ask me to help in something like this?
Will I even be able to do It ?
What about our past did he forget it or he wants a new fresh
start ?
It is a good idea I agree, but what if..
Hey why am I overthinking it? of course l agree. There is no
time for what ifs, Lily said he needs my answer soon. I
grabbed my laptop, opened the Gmail app, and typed his
Gmail and started typing:

Dear Alex Williams,Thank you for your thoughtful letter and for sharing your vision of
creating an AI artificial human revolutionized health care,
education, and environmental sustainability. I wholeheartedly agree
that such an innovation holds great potential for improving various
aspects of society, including health care, education, and
environmental sustainability.
However, while I am enthusiastic about the possibilities, I believe it's
important to acknowledge that there may be some challenges and
obstacles that we will need to overcome in order to bring this vision
to fruition. Some of these challenges may include technological
limitations, ethical considerations, regulatory hurdles, and the need
for widespread acceptance and adoption of AI technology.
That being said, I am fully committed to exploring these challenges
and working collaboratively with you and other stakeholders to
address them. Together, we can leverage our expertise and resourcesto navigate these obstacles and pave the way for the development and
implementation of innovative AI solutions that benefit society as a
I will start making the design from now and will when we meet up
tomorrow I will share them with you.
Once again, thank you for presenting this opportunity, and I look
forward to our collaboration in making this vision a reality.
Best Regards,
Andrea Bell
I reread the letter twice before clicking the send button. I really
don't know weather to say yes for something like this, it will
defiantly help us in the future in a lot of things, and have a lot
of advantages, yet it have much more disadvantages. Howwould people react when they know that soon enough there
will be robots walking on the same street they are walking in ?
“I am over thinking this” I said in above a whisper I closed the
Gmail app removed the letter in the last drawer , when I first
opened the drawer I met my daughter eyes, she is 11 years
now, I am really feeling guilty for not being with her much
time , how is she felling that her mom isn’t always with her?
and now I will be much more busier, I threw the letter inside
and closed the drawer with strong force, the sound made my
body cringe, I hope I won’t regret this.
“Come on, it’s time back to work” I remained myself.
I opened the app I was working in, and for once I forgot about
the robot and Alex and everything that might one day change
my life.

A Chance Within Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora