There was this urge in her to get him raw and it increased the more she looked at him. He stirred in his sleep which got her more on edge and to top it all, he was shirtless. She traced his face, unknowingly licking her lips and the next moment she was grazing her teeth on his ear going a bit extreme at the lobe. He released a harsh breath from his sleep, tightening the hold over her waist which got her gazing back to his face, mostly his supple li_

She was being shameless. The sleeping man doesn't know what he was doing. She knew she was never like this and it worsened. He'd truly succeeded in rubbing off her chaste self into a soiled one as he once told her she'll stop being shy around him.

She trailed her fingers down his shoulder to elbow and back continuously. He released another breath accompanied with a soft groan and she withdrew her hand.

"Why'd you stop?" He grumbled, placing her hand back on his arm.

His voice got her. She repeated the words 'calm down' in her head as it took a huge self-control to not do what was on her mind. She traced them back and forth. He slowly opened his eyes and shut them back, then pried the left one open followed by the right one. His groggy eyes stared at her and he grinned.

"Your eyes speak harassment," He muttered. She got no reply for that as she just showed him her frontal dentition. "How possessed are you?"

"You wouldn't want to know what I am thinking right now." She answered in a luring voice.

He didn't miss the glint in her eyes, "I want to know."

Her fingers went around his neck to his ear, "Then you should find out."

Her eyes tempted, her voice tempted, her fingers tempted, everything tempted in that moment. "How's your headache?" He changed the topic because anything could happen. Her body said it all.



She made her realisation gasp, chuckling, "I am better now, thank you."

"Good. Don't do that again." He said.

"I promise I won't. Did you rest well? I mean, are you relieved from all the stress?" Her voice was concerning which he loved.

"I was doing so not until a certain wife of mine was all out on me."

She blushed a bit, "Please be serious." She pestered.

"Okay. I am almost relieved of them." He muttered.

"Tell me."

"We might've missed those men, you know. The outcome was my worry. And a thing like that means a very huge battle." He confessed.

"Don't speak of battle in that manner. It isn't something small. I have experienced a few of them and witnessed the outcomes. It is so easy to say it but one might not know the end of it. It is a good thing you caught those men. Praise God," He smiled at her words, which encouraged him, kissing the back of her hand. She peeled a grin, "Do you know the Jarawa King?"

The worry on his face was no longer there, "I do. The young him who was taller than me although we were the same age. I can't remember his name. It was seventeen years ago, when my father had a meeting with his father concerning this slave trade matter."

She scoffed in a laughable way, "I think this is a generational thing. Is a 'no' something so hard he can't understand?"

He sighed, "I tell you, I have lost count of the letters I sent him regarding his proposals. I can't just sell my people to a foreign land all in the name of money and fame, I can never do that." A closed portion of her mind from the past slightly opened itself, she just let it slide. He might've noticed it as his expression softened.

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