Fifty Nine // Oh, I Know

Start from the beginning

Niall's P.O.V

The following morning, we met the girls in the lounge again. Both Saturday and Sunday were meant to spend time together and sadly it was our last day. Tomorrow we have to start preparing for the show. I've got to admit, I'm excited to be working on the X Factor again. It's been a while and I miss being on the show. Those months were the best of my life and I'd go back if I could. Though I will admit, I'm liking right now a lot.

I've known Liz for less than seventy two hours and I can honestly say that I've got a massive crush on her. I should've have seen it coming. She was just the perfect girl for me and I was willing to do anything to make her realize that. Of course, I'm a wuss and won't have the balls to ask her out. I wish I did. I wish that I could talk to her with more confidence and not feel jealous when anyone is near her, but I can't help it.

Even though boys noticed how quickly I was flirting with her. I couldn't help that. It was easy to flirt with her and to touch her, because that's all that I wanted to do. I don't think she even realizes how much I like her, but I'm glad that she doesn't.

I let out a quiet sigh as I looked over at Liz, watching distastefully as she was laughing with Beck. I didn't understand why she was so fascinated by him. The idea of her liking him made it hard to breathe. I hated the way that she laughed at what he said. I know it's childish but I want her to be laughing at the things that I say.

"You okay there mate?" Harry asked from his seat next to me.

" 'm fine. Just don't like him talking to me girl." I said, flipping my phone around in my hand like I've been doing for the past few minutes.

"She's not your girl left. Do you plan on telling her you like her? She's a fan, a huge one at that and she's going to say yes if you ask her out." Harry said.

"I know, I know. But I want her to say yes to me, not the celebrity me. She barely knows me as meself and I don't want to date another girl like Hannah." I said.

"Niall, Liz is nothing lie Hannah. She was a complete bitch, and I'm sorry for saying that, but she flirted with all of us when you weren't around. Liz is like... I don't even know. She's just a shy little thing that has the voice of- well I don't know but she's got an amazing vocal range. And the best part about her? She's the sweetest thing in the world. Just talk to her." Harry said.

"What if she likes Beck? Or Evan?" I asked.

"At least you'll know."

Harry was right. I would never know if I don't talk to her about it. I'm sure that things will work out. Maybe if we dated, she'll get to know the real me. I'd like to know the real her. I really hope that if we did go out, it would go great between us. I don't want us to date and then breakup because of the distance. I don't want to never talk to her. She means to much to me and she doesn't even know it.

"Yeah, you're right." I finally said. "I'll tell her how I feel and see if she wants to go out to dinner or something." I said. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder at the idea of asking her out. It was like I didn't have to worry about anything. I'll see what she says and if it's a no, I'll probably cry and want to throw myself off a cliff, but I'll try and move on and just be friends with her. It'll suck, but having her in my life would be better than not.

"Go talk to them. It would be good to meet Beck. Maybe you could get some pointers from him on how to get Liz." Harry told me.

I nodded, slowly standing up. "Yeah, you're right. I'll go talk to them." I said, slipping my phone into my back pocket. Harry smiled at me as I walked away from him, walking towards Liz and Beck. They were standing by the few arcade games, including a claw machine with stuffed toys in it.

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