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Her words echo in my head. She loves me?  She smiles and then bursts into a giggle.

"Never have I ever thought in a million years that I'd be falling for you. Guess love just happens."

She yawns. Slowly her eyes close and her breathing steadies. She fell asleep. I suck my bottom lip in my mouth as I look at Y/n's sleeping figure. A few strands of her wet hair falls in her face and I tuck them behind her ears.

My head is sprinting a million miles a second. I drag myself away from Y/n. As I stand I undo my buttons on my shirt. I take my shirt out and throw it on the chair and walk into the bathroom.

I strip out my pants and go straight for a cold shower. I can still feel Y/n's hand on me and her lips lingering on mine and her confession is the last nail in the casket. I stand under the shower keep replaying back to the moment she willingly kissed me.

I shut the shower off and dry myself off. I wrap a towel around my waist and use another towel to dry my hair. When I look at the mirror my hand stops in my hair. I was smiling to myself. I chuckled and shook my head.

I threw the wet hair towel in the laundry and walked back into the room. I went to my wardrobe and took out a set of boxers and Grey sweats. I dress and throw the wet towel on the chair besides my shirt.

Y/n will give me hell in the morning for that but I just want to go to bed. I walk towards the bed and look down at Y/n. She's fast asleep. She's on my side of the bed. I push my hands under her as I move her onto her side of the bed against the wall and slip into the bed beside her.

I sleep with my back against the door. I prefer putting myself by the door because if anyone comes in they have to go through me first. I look at Y/n sleeping. She sleeps on her back but she mumbles something and then sits up.

I flinch slightly as I look at her with a frown. I also sit up. "Y/n?" When she doesn't respond I wave my hand infront of her face but she doesn't even blink. I chuckled and held her shoulders as I made her sleep back down. I bring the blanket over her.

I sleep on my back facing the ceiling. I keep my hand under my head and sigh. I don't think I'm able to sleep tonight. Suddenly Y/n moves closer to me. She puts her head on bare chest and throws her arm around me. Looking down at her she has a small smile playing on her face.

She's sleeping peaceful where I am sleepless because my heart is beating so fast I think it might just stop.

I take my hand out from under my head and hug her pulling her closer to me. Her leg gets thrown over my leg. Her warmth making my body warmer. I close my eyes as Y/n's shampoo scent takes over my senses. I smile as I feel Y/n cuddle even closer. I couldn't ask for anything more.

•Y/n P.O.V•

I groan as I feel a headache starting. I swear as I feel the sunlight on my face. I turn around and cover my head with the blanket. Whatever is going on I want nothing to do with it. Drinking so much wine wasn't the best idea I get it. With the headache that's pounding in my head I definitely regret my decisions.

The room door opens and I'm about to swear that person when I feel the blanket getting yanked off me. "Oh for fucks sake. Can't a girl sleep in when she's going through a handover!" I scream as I throw my hands over my face. The curtain opens as sunlight falls on me.

"Rise and shine sleepy head. It's 2pm you slept in the entire morning. If you sleep anymore you're gonna be more miserable."

I drop my hands as I open my eyes a little seeing Jungkook pace around the room. His wearing only a Grey sweatpants. I shamelessly let my eyes roam his tattoos and his abs. When he turns towards me he huffs and start walking towards the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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