You open the front door in just a towel

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He stared then his neck almost broke with how quick he looked up, sputtering out in a squeaky voice; "I-I c-cou-could have be-been someone e-else!". He hated how it came out, no way he can be seen as cool anymore now. You assured you checked before opening then stepped aside so he could get in. He entered, still staring up, mumbling; "That's a nice ceiling."

Even when you were dressed he still refused to look. Took him long to finally look, and then his face kept being red as he kept seeing you in just that towel so vividly.


It looked like a murder scene! His nose bled so much that out of panic you pulled off the towel and put the side that wasn't against you to his nose. But now you are nude, so more blood and he stumbled, stammering out that you are sexy. He stumbled in, shut the door before anyone could see you, and then BAM! He hit the floor, passed out, most likely with how much blood left his nose.

When he woke up with his head on your lap, your fingers petting his hair, he decided to act as if he's still passed out so he can enjoy this longer.


His mind went blank, and it became awkward as he said nothing like usual, made no move, and you couldn't tell where his eyes were so slowly asked if he's gonna come in or not since it is getting cold. He was quick to move in. You said you are gonna go get changed.

As you did he double checked the windows and doors, making sure no one saw you like that. Then he sat on the couch, trying not to think of how you looked but his mind kept going there so he quickly pulled out his phone to watch some videos to distract his mind.


He gasped, going to push you further back in your house to make sure no one walking by sees. But it made the towel slip from its hold and fall to the ground. Both you and his eyes widen then his face turned bright red, looking away, shouting a sorry then deep bow. But at the same time you had slammed the door shut out of reflex to hide as it would be quicker than picking up the towel. And so BAM! came as the door hit his head.

"It's okay, it was my fault, I'm sorry" is what he kept saying as you, now dressed, held an ice pack to his head.


Never seen his ears go so red before, or just his whole face, even his neck. It was adorable, really. Normally he gives you a kiss hello but now he stayed away, nervously laughing that you should close the door before anyone sees. You asked if he's not coming in, to which he shook his head, not sure why but nope he's a respectful gentleman!

So you closed the door and got dressed. During it he just awkwardly looked around, giving odd smiles to people on the street but also glares as they better didn't see even an inch or he will punch them until they forget. When you opened it again he was nervous to look but then relieved to see you are dressed.


Blink ... blink ... blink. Slowly you said his name but he began looking around, glaring at people on the street to make sure they don't see then told you he could have waited until you were dressed but you answered would have felt bad making him wait. He entered, mumbling he can handle some waiting. Mentally he was throwing a party, so glad you didn't. Who wouldn't love this sight?!

As he waited while you got dressed he kept being paranoid someone might have seen so he left to go double check the outside. By the time you returned he was sitting there, as if he never left; waiting like a kid to be picked up from school when his parents are late.


All curse words came to mind as he took a step back to admire you. All he said was a genuine, "Fuck, you are hot". You asked if he's gonna come inside, to which he grinned then teased he does like coming inside. So, with a laugh as you smack his arm, he walked inside.

He gave your bare shoulder some soft kisses, whispering compliments; trying to get something more only to whine when you pushed him off with a laugh and said you are getting dressed. As you walked off he fake groaned that you are killing him.


His sunglasses got snatched off to make sure he's seeing right then gave you a devilish smirk with a glint in his eyes. You know that look. The look that you will be sore tomorrow. He stayed there, even as someone walked on the street, curious how you'll react then entered when you warned you'll shut the door while beginning to do so.

You were right about the look. Next day you tried to climb out of bed, groaning as your body ached in response, but Gun's arm tugged you back down, mumbling to stay put.


His eyes widen then did quick check around the streets to make sure he doesn't have to pluck out eyeballs then tugged you close, giving a deep heated kiss before walking with you inside, shutting door with his foot. With a grin, he muttered against your lips no need to bother getting dressed.

Afterwards he laid on your couch, just in his underwear, watching you walk to the bathroom to clean yourself up after the fun so he asked with a laugh if you are gonna take another shower.


His eyes looked at the towel, slow blink, then suddenly you were pushed inside, the door slammed shut and locked. He pinned you to the wall, one hand aside your head while other held your waist, his voice almost rumbling as he asks if this was your plan. Your arms slid around his shoulders, claiming no but you don't mind to see where this goes.

Let's just say you needed another shower after he was done with you.


He took a deep breathe, eyes following every exposed inch, then asked if he's interrupting. He moved inside so he could close the door to make sure no one will be able to see. Before he closed it he glared outside, double checking. You told him you were just about to get dressed so, as you walk to get dressed, his arms slid around you and he gave your neck some kisses, asking "What if you wait with that and we first have some 'fun'?".

He had to basically help you get dressed with how sore he left you.

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