When someone interrupts the date

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Thank you for the wait Kamezuke

Admittedly I'm not confident about this one but I hope you'll still find the chapter enjoyable. :)


He stays respectful. Panics and worries the date is now ruined, sure, but otherwise okay. When people interrupt to flirt with them he gets shocked someone could do this then try to look at it good and think they simply don't know you are his partner so he explains it to them that he's already dating someone then politely declines them and hurries away with you.


An immediate "get lost", or even behind your back doing a 'I'll kill you' throat gesture and motioning "fuck off!". When you turn to look at him he gives an innocent smile and scratches his neck. Second you look away he's threatening the person again by doing boxing motions. Once they leave he's as happy as can be again.


He gets a bit disappointed but lets it be. Maybe they are here for a good reason. There have been times girls interrupted to flirt with him, to which he had to awkwardly wave his hands 'no' then hug you to his side to inform them he's taken.


Depends on who it is that approaches. A child then he's immediately crouched, listening. Some woman or normal looking man then he just looks, curious what they want. If it's an overly handsome or tough looking man then he's on guard, having learned these types are the ones who cause trouble, as he can't let anyone ruin his date, more specifically: can't let anyone harm you.


He gets nervous this person will start a fight as that seems to be a pattern in his life. So when it's not, even someone who tries to flirt; which makes him appreciate it but very awkwardly decline, he feels relieved and happy. If it's someone who needed some help he gladly helps them then continues the date with you, satisfied he got to do his good deed of the day.


If it's someone who wants to try to fight him a quick BAM from his foot to their face and they are knocked out and so the date can continue. If it's someone interrupting for a good reason he listens, though not really caring. If it's someone to flirt with him or you then he is annoyed, uncomfortable, and tells them to get lost so he can continue his date.


Just sighs and slouches, not even hiding his bother by this. He stares at the person with the most bored not listening look until they get offended or so awkward they storm away. Then he continues the date with you, satisfied and amused.


He scares them away with a simple glance that screams 'interrupt one second longer and you will wake up in next month'. If they are still dumb enough to interrupt he makes it become a reality. When you ask if that person needed something he just wraps his arm around you and drags you along, answering "no".


With a smile he sees what they want but internally he's already planning how to kill them. If it was an okay interruption he dismisses it, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to pull you along. If it's a bad one his plan gets executed. When you scold him he answers, as if he did nothing wrong; "What? They were rude!"

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