When they notice you eyeing a store's window display

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He wishes he had money so he could buy it. Makes him feel guilty and bad that you don't have a boyfriend who can buy you presents, only very cheap things. If a holiday is coming up he might ask Jay to lend him a bit, promising to pay back when he can, then buys the thing he remembers you kept eyeing.


He will remember it, repeating it to himself so much to ensure he will remember. So once you leave he races back to the place and buys it then keeps it hidden until the next time he has to give you a present so he's sure he has a good gift.


He will immediately buy it when you aren't looking then when you turn back hold it up to you, giving that hopeful smile; hoping you like it. If you tell him he didn't have to he shakes his head and thrusts it to you, wanting you to take it.


It took him loong to realize but once he did he knew what he had to do. He began working a side job for some quick money and once he had it all he bought it then ran to you and gave it.


He will want to buy it but aaaah he worked so hard for the money! But it would make you happy so fine. He'll buy it and keep it until the next gift opportunity like a holiday. So when you open it and are happy with it he feels such pride.


He will eye it then frown, debating if he should get it or not. Both continue walking past it but he's still thinking. He won't buy it unless your birthday is coming up or he's feeling like thanking you, then he will go buy it next day.


If it's at his streets he just goes in and gets it without paying, and the owner doesn't mind as they know they are being paid by the protection and control Jake brings. But if it's not his streets then he will ignore it, pulling you along and chuckling that he's sure you'll find something similar in one of the stores on his streets.


He will try not to give in but you have this weird effect on him where he does anything you desire. So when he notices you keep looking at something, desiring it, he will sigh but go inside the place and get it for you. When he exits and you want to take it he holds it out of reach, saying "kiss first". Once he gets his kiss he holds the thing to you.


Lowers his glasses, giving it a look, then asks if you want it. When you say not sure he shrugs and says a 'your money, your choice' then leaves. He's not gonna waste money, especially not if it's something you are unsure about! If you say yes he'll sigh but go and buy it; telling himself this is why he collects money; so he can keep his partner satisfied.

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