When you fall asleep on their couch

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More like on his futon as he has no couch. He worries and starts overthinking. If you sleep until dark then should he walk you home? Let you sleep over? He thinks of also taking a nap so he lays down and also has a nap.


He gets so nervous as he pulls out his phone and sneaks some pictures. Then he went on a search mission to get you a blanket. Since the couch is now taken in he lazies on his bed until you wake up.


Panic. He worries over it all: is the couch comfortable? Would you sleep better on his bed? Would that be creepy to offer? How do you look so cute? Do you need a pillow?

So his butler found him sitting before you, who now has a blanket over yourself, admiring you with a smile.


He took many pictures then send it to Jay. He meant absolutely nothing creepy with it, he was just so excited and found you so gorgeous he has to share it! Jay told him not to take pictures of sleeping people so Vasco stopped.


A smile automatically forms then gives your temple a kiss, shy to do so but having wanted to. He puts a blanket over you then he did some things he still had left to do. Occasionally checking in on you.


He just crouched, watching your facial expressions while gently stroking your hair. Then he sat down and just sat on the floor instead. He didn't mind, now he can also admire you easier.


He will either scoop you up and move you to his bed so you can be more comfortable, or he will smirk if he sees you waking up then crawls on top of you, faking a yawn and stretch; saying he needs a nap then lets all his weight really drop on you and laughs as you groan and wiggle to get free.


He just moves your head up then sits down before putting your head on his lap. Other times he might even just push you more to the couch then lay on the edge to join you in taking a nap, which is a tight spot and risks one falling but that makes it exciting.


He HAS to do something mischievous now! He can't leave it! So when you woke up and went outside people stared. Why? For he did the typical party trick of drawing on your face.

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