When you have to study/focus on work

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It makes him realize all the school work he's behind on and how he's ruining his education to go beat up people. So he will ask if he can study aside you. So it becomes a nice hangout moment where both will be focused on your own thing but near each other.


He will try to also study for his lessons but uuugh it's so boring! He's with you, why the hell is he studying?! Both should be doing fun things, not this stuff! So he will try to convince you to go do things, but the second you say 'no, now study' he is quick to go back to studying, suddenly behaving again as he wants to please you.


He noticed how you are more busy lately so he got an idea. He led you to his house one day then showed you a room: a study. When you asked why he's showing this he motioned to you with this big happy hopeful look. You stared then asked if this is your study, which caused him to nod like crazy. So apparently now you have a study in his house... Jay doesn't mind one bit when you are cooped up in there, loves it and can attend to any of your needs even quicker this way.


He will be excitedly talking but then notice you are working/studying so quickly go quiet, whispering a sorry then waits aside you but that makes you feel awkward and pressure so ask him if he needs something. He will shake his head and say just giving moral support. So you usually give him your phone with many dog videos at the ready for him to spend hours scrolling through.


He works as a barista so he likes if you come sit at the cafe and just study/work there so can still be together but both doing your thing. He will slide you a drink and snack throughout or silently refill your cup then move away. He's not gonna disturb you but ensure you are fueled.


He's usually just watching, not really thinking, just daydreaming while watching you; sometimes kind of jealous you have all of this to do while he's running around fighting and ruining his life. He won't say it but he likes when you explain what you are doing to him as it makes him feel included and learn something new.


He will relax aside you, bored but knowing not to bother you. Doesn't stop him from the occassional poke or question. It's as if suddenly he has so much to ask of you so he tries to keep quiet but damn does he need the answers! So he will slowly lean in, whispering the question, then quickly backs off with his hands held up when you give a warning glare as this is his fourth time interrupting you to ask a weird question.


He leaves you alone during it. Only bothers you to give your cheek a kiss when he's leaving. He will usually just lounge aside you, on his phone. Sometimes he watches what you are doing but that grows awkward for you as it feels as if he's judging all you are doing.


He will keep poking you, rambling on, loving how your face twists to an expression of annoyed. He wants to test how can he can take it before you react. When you argue this is important he just shrugs and says he doesn't do any of that so can't be that important. 

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