Taesoo and Jichang (catch up!) [Part 2]

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When you play the flower petal game and it ends with 'he loves me not':


He bought a whole damn flower field and made you do it until you had one where it ended with "he loves me" then he smugly told you you'll find plenty of men who buy you bouquets but never one like him who buys you a whole flower field.


He found it silly, and more so how it actually annoyed him. So he plucked another then held it to you, answering; "He loves you".

When they notice you eyeing a store's window display:


He buys you the whole damn store. When you claim this is too much he just nonchalantly says it isn't as it's for you.


He will glance and keep it in mind. Later, when you are gone, he might go into the store to check it out closer. If it's good he'll buy it so he can gift it to you.

When you call them during their fight:


He makes quick work of this fight, now more determined to win as he has to accept this call before it ends. You don't even have to wait five seconds before hearing his voice.


Glances to his phone then holds his finger up to the opponent, telling them to give him a moment then accepts the call and asks what you want.

When you make them a cute bento:


He doesn't use bentos but sometimes when he goes to the mountain to hunt he complains of not having rice with his food so you'll throw a bento just full of rice with a note wishing him fun or luck.

It is simple but touches him great and his meals feel more delicious because of this.


He never got bento boxes when he was a king as it made him feel less intimidating if he had to open a bento box in front of his crew.

But now as cop he doesn't care, he wants the food. So if you make it he is happy, also because he didn't have to do work, and then he sees the note, ensuring to him that his whole day will now be good.

When you slept over for the first time:


He ensured all comfort. Got your favorite snacks in the house. Had plenty of pillows if you want to make a wall between you two on the bed. Though he's excited to do more than sleep so he hopes you don't put a damn wall between you two. Both laughed a lot, over mostly dumb shit which made it funnier.


He send his brothers far away because he didn't trust them not to set up some prank or interrupt. He got a pillow and blanket on the couch in case you don't feel comfortable sleeping on the bed together. Both mostly talked. Of course he hoped something ~fun~ will happen but he wasn't gonna pressure you so just a hand on your thigh was most he did then based off your reaction to it either continued or took it off.

When you hold out your hand without saying anything:


Will take it and give the back of your hand a kiss. Will usually hold your hand with his left hand so he has his right free to still use and punch anyone annoying with.

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