If you are a single parent (+ Eli Jang)

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If I'll add Eli permanently I'm not sure because I have no clue how to write for him but this chapter could not be made without including him.


It's too much! He's not even an official adult yet but now he's stuck being step-dad?! You assured him he can calm down as he isn't and you wouldn't demand that of him, at least not when both this young and early in relationship, so that eased his worries a bit. He always just sits there awkward, nervously laughing to whatever the kid(s) say but never holding conversations, accepting whatever they hand him. When they cry or do something wrong he freezes, no clue what to do or what he's allowed to do, so he will call your name quickly. With them, and as the relationship kept growing and becoming more serious, he decided to start studying on how to take care of children, ask you questions to learn, and instead of just sitting there to play, help, and talk with the kid(s).


He will try to act cold, to seem cool, but when he sees the face of your kid(s) it all melts away. He will have the biggest grin while letting the kid(s) just do whatever they want to him. When you told him to stop letting them run over him and be the adult he pout, saying he's just having fun. So both had a lot of arguments on this, to which he defensively yelled he's not the dad so he doesn't have to take care of your kid(s). That silenced you then made you say "you are right" so he felt bad but it was also true so it became awkward. But seeing he kept sticking around, saw your struggles, he decided to stop being the fun guy and start slowly accepting the step-dad roll and helping raise them, not just hang out with them.


He is so anxious around them. It's like how he was around his dogs at first. He just needed time, some help, a lot of videos on how to deal with kids those age groups, and just everything because he was so unsure of himself. He likes them, and that is why when they approach his hands are held up because he does NOT want to risk hurting them. So you have to assure him a lot and make up games so everyone can play and get more comfortable with each other. When the kid(s) called him "dad" he froze then a tear slid down then hugged them tight.


He LOVES the kid(s)! He plays with them, takes care of them; which you first instructed him with, and he just hangs out with them. It's like watching two kids hanging out. He laughs with all they do, loving their innocence and makes sure to be a good example as he will NOT stand for them to grow up with bad role models or doing wrong things. When they do something that requires scolding he gets awkward as he doesn't feel it's his place so he quickly tells it to you so you can give the scolding. The day you gave him permission to give the punishment he felt both anxious, worried he'll now be viewed negative by the kid(s), but also happy as it was a way of saying he is accepted and you trust him with your child(ren).


Immense pressure second he learned. Suddenly he felt as if he had to provide, even though they aren't his. So he began studying harder, working longer hours, watched over them for you, such things that helped you out greatly but also made you warn him that he does not have to do this but he promised you he wants to. He wants to take care of you and the kid(s). He loves playing detective with the kid(s).


He loves it in the sense that finally someone understands the struggles, the looks and indirect insults, how exhausting it is, and just every aspect of it. For which he told you you can always call him to help with, so you assured him that he can do the same. Both have had many talks about it all while the kids play together. He didn't want to impose by introduing himself or Yenna as dad or sister so he used Eli and Yenna. Once you both been together long enough, he could see there was comfort and likeness amongst everyone, and especially with your permission; then he finally began letting himself be called 'dad' by your kid(s) and let Yenna be thought of as a sister instead of friend.


He froze when he learned. He didn't do much to the kid(s), it was the kid(s) who had to approach him. And only once they made him play with them was when he began opening up to them and finally wrapping his mind around it. It still feels like a fever dream though. He doesn't feel like he can be their step-dad, but he can act as their step-brother. You told him you are NOT letting him be called step-brother because then they'll think you are dating their brother. Even he cringed at hearing that and it made sense but he still didn't want to be a step-dad, not now at least. It was too much, and it did cause a bit of arguing as this is a huge thing and you aren't gonna drop your child(ren) for someone. Both agreed that he will care for them, mostly play with them, but he doesn't have to immediately be their step-dad, he can do that slowly and if it still doesn't work after a long time then sadly a difficult decision will need to be decided.


He carries the kid(s) on his shoulders a lot. He loves it because it gives him a feeling as if he is standing good in life, has made amazing progress, is more grown up, and it's just awesome. He loves the kid(s)! He is always doing stuff with them that terrifies you though like throwing them in the air, dangling them upside down, such things. But he would never let harm befall them. He tries to stop by as much as possible to help you out with either the kid(s) or the housechores so you can focus on your child(ren).


He became the kid's dad right away. He refuses to acknowledge it but he is. You will see him holding the kid(s) more often than not. He taught them basic fighting moves. When you argued with him over this he argued back everyone should be able to defend themselves, even kids. If you ask anything, especially when you add that your kid would really like to do it or to pick them up from somewhere, he will do it right away. And he will still dare to deny he's a good dad.


He loves the kid(s) but if they keep taking your attention away he won't hesitate to throw hands! So yes, he's jealous of a child and petty to the kid. You feel as if you are raising not only your kid(s) but also him now... So lectured him to stop and gave some solid, good points. It made him pout but say "fine". So finally after that he began playing fair with the kid(s). Sometimes you have to quickly step in to scold him when he isn't kid-friendly anymore with the games or conversations. He is definitely planning to teach the kid(s) how to fight with every object nearby, that way no one will ever bully them.

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